Help a Newbie Out

Well I turned 40 this year and I’m ashamed to say I have never worked out in a gym on any routine basis. I was Infantry in the Army when I was younger so I was once lean and mean but that is so far in the past I don’t remember what it felt like.

I have a pretty thin build, 6’ 180lbs and I realized I look like SHIT (by my standards). I’m a contractor working in Afghanistan so I have plenty of time to work out and I just decided I’m going to get serious about getting in shape and looking/feeling better. Before hitting the gym, I decided to do a reading around the Internet and I have to tell you I am overwhelmed with information, sometimes a lot of it conflicting and I don’t know where to start.

I’m primarily looking at diet and supplements right now and don’t know where to start exactly. The food in the chow hall doesn’t look like it would be conducive to clean eating. They serve rice and mashed potatoes and pasta EVERY day in some form or fashion. Most meats are sauced up or smothered in gravy. I would have to guess that it will be hard to gain since I’ve weighed about the same whether I’m stuffing my face full of junk food or eating quasi-healthy so I’m looking to you season vets for some direction to putting on some muscle.

My goal isn’t to look like The Hulk but I do want to be nicely shaped, not ashamed to take my shirt off in public, e.t.c… Looking like Leonidas from 300 is a good goal for me. I’m mentally prepared to start this Sojourn. After 24 years I quit smoking and I feel 100x better but I want to make sure I am doing it right, diet and supplement wise.

Here is something I pulled off another site that was advertised as a good 40+ supplement regiment. I would like some candid opinions on this regiment. From what I can tell from my reading, T-Nation seems to have the most knowledgeable folks who aren’t necessarily tied to selling you a product but more focused on proper education and practices so here goes… I removed product names …

If any/all of this can be obtained on the store here, please feel free to let me know and stick a product name beside it of you don’t mind.

Timing And Dosage
Upon Waking
Whey Protein: 20-40 grams
Multivitamin: 1 dose

With Meals
Fish oil: 2-3 grams; 3 times per day
CLA: 1-3g
*Consider taking more Whey Protein as meal replacement

Before Workout
NO Booster: 1 dose (30 min. before)
Whey Protein: 20 grams (30 min. before)
Creatine: 2-5 grams (depending on brand)
Beta-alanine: 1.5-3 grams
BCAAs: 5 grams
Betaine: 1-3 grams

After Workout (within 30 minutes)
Whey Protein: 20-40 grams
Casein Protein: 10-20 grams
Creatine: 2-5 grams
Beta-alanine: 1.5-3 grams
BCAAs: 5 grams
Betaine: 1-3 grams
Post-workout carbs : 1 dose

Before Bed
Casein Protein: 20-40 grams

You seem so caught up in these supplements. The diet comes first. You can look awesome without supplements at all. They are only SUPPLEMENTS. The diet is the base.

[quote]Zerpp wrote:
You seem so caught up in these supplements. The diet comes first. You can look awesome without supplements at all. They are only SUPPLEMENTS. The diet is the base.[/quote]

I could be wrong but it appears you skimmed the post and didn’t read it thoroughly. I don’t have a lot of great dietary choices at this stage so I was CONSIDERING supplements. I’m not caught up on anything but merely coming with no preconceived notions and asking the community.

Check out tribulus

[quote]chobbs wrote:
Check out tribulus [/quote]

That’s a testosterone booster right?

[quote]chobbs wrote:
Check out tribulus [/quote]

Looks really good however I’m looking to augment the crappy food i have available here from the Army chow hall. I’m not looking for a “magic pill” to help my workouts but to get some supplements to make my meals as clean as possible.

yea…pretty valuable if you’re over 35

[quote]flakvest wrote:

[quote]Zerpp wrote:
You seem so caught up in these supplements. The diet comes first. You can look awesome without supplements at all. They are only SUPPLEMENTS. The diet is the base.[/quote]

I could be wrong but it appears you skimmed the post and didn’t read it thoroughly. I don’t have a lot of great dietary choices at this stage so I was CONSIDERING supplements. I’m not caught up on anything but merely coming with no preconceived notions and asking the community.[/quote]

My apologies. Read the first 2 paragraphs and rolled down to the list of supplements. Out of that entire list I’ve only had protein and creatine. I remember watching an old bodybuilder say how good B-Complex is. Helps digest better and decrease the smelliness of farts.

that’s a good tip. Thanks.


Post up your training and your FOOD diet,

Eat 6 times a day…
make sure you get 8 hours sleep… Do this consistently for 3 months then look in to supplements not to make your diet but to “supplement” weak points.