Help a Beginner

Sup guys,

I’ve been in and out of the gym for the past year trying to bulk up, trying to diet properly, but with poor results. I spent some cash and worked with a personal trainer for about a month and they had me doing drop sets 3 times a week. It was cool at first because I was completely wrecked after the workout. A couple weeks in I was totally exhausted and felt like shit.

Anyway, I’m 29, 150 pounds, around 15-17% bf. I’d like to cut down to 8-10% bf and gain about 20-30 pounds of muscle (long term goal).

I’ve done Rippen’s starting strength in the beginnning about a year ago then changed over to a custom 3 day split. Don’t ask what it was 'cause I can’t remember.

I haven’t been in the gym now for about 2 months. I really want to hit it back up and I’m posting here for advice. I’m looking for some routine’s to get me back on track.


Westside for Skinny Bastards is what you are looking for no doubt. You can choose the exercises you want from the templates given to you, its fun, and you can change it up so it doesn’t get boring, I did/doing it right now actually and loving the results I am getting from it! Now then, go at it :slight_smile:

That looks pretty good and I like the variety. I’ll give this a whirl for a while and see how the results go.

Go for a tried and true program like WS4SB mentioned above (version III is best btw), a 5x5 based program or anything Dan John mentions in his articles