Beginner That Needs Help

Hey there, i’m new the site but have been reading everyhting i can the last few days. I am 25 yrs old 165 lbs and 5’11, don’t know body fat. I have been working out 3 x week for the last month after not lifting any weight for about 4 years even that was nothing amazing. Everyone here seems to have some really good sugestions and I need help.

Right now I am working out at my house I have a pretty nice bench with all the weights and some DB’s. So far I have no routine I have been doing the basics ie. bench, deadlift squats and the little extra’s like curls skull crushers, anyways I need help finding a routine that I can do at my house, I don’t have much extra monry for a membership now. I’m willing to try anything I need to get on a good routine. please help me

O yeah I eat pretty good, I try to eat as clean as I can usually around 2200 to 2500 cal per day, chicken, fish, oatmeal, fruit, veggies, eggs, but can eat more.

I want to bulk up but also look good, don’t plan on doing any O lifts but hell you never know what can happen down the road. I’m a pretty skinny guy right now but am seeing small improvements so far.

I am open to any sugesstions and all criticism.

I also work out at my house and have been following the Rippetoe program. I don’t remember the link, but I’m sure you can even search this site and find the program.

As far as diet goes, again, search this site to get an idea for what your nutritional intake should be.

Finally, go and do it.


Looks like you have the right setup to do compound, free weight exercises. If you have enough weight (250-350lbs), then you should be fine for a while.

And I will always swear by it, use craigslist to find cheap benches that come with 300 pounds, then ditch the bench off for a few bucks. This is a great way of saving money on just weights if you can find sub $200 sales.

Thanks for the advise, I really appriciate it. I was taking a look at Rippetoe I do have the weight just have a hard time getiing the weight on my shoulders for squats. I’m really dedicated and want to hit it hard If I post my workout and meals I would like feedback on that also. T-Nation is great to bad i just found it

[quote]TheDudeAbides wrote:


I see your progress from that program thats amazing. good job.

Hack squats work well when you don’t have a rack.

Right on a hack squat will do that for sure. thanks for that

[quote]cdelozier wrote:
And I will always swear by it, use craigslist to find cheap benches that come with 300 pounds, then ditch the bench off for a few bucks. This is a great way of saving money on just weights if you can find sub $200 sales. [/quote]

I whole-heartedly second this. You might be able to pick up a squat rack along with it. I’ve gotten a bench + squat rack + o-bar + ~300 #s of plates for $150 and a power rack for $200 (after I sold the old squat rack for 100). $150 is what, three of four months at mega-gym?

I will have to check on that it sound like I could a good deal there. you got one hell of a deal on that

Ok so I decided that I am going to start Rippetoe Monday, Instead of doing power cleans is it ok to change that to another exercise like BB Rows. any suggestions on that or other exercises that may work or just man up and do the POWER CLEANS. Once I start the routine I will keep a log. can I add abs to the end of routine or chin-ups??something.

Also this is my meals any suggestions.

breakfast-1 egg 2 ess whites, 1 bowl oatmeal, bannana, 2 fish oil caps, multivitamin

snack-oatmeal, fat free yougart

lunch- 10 oz trout(I caught) broc and calif, rice

snack 2-strawberies(handful), tuna 6oz

Dinner-chicken breast 80z, vegies, 12oz milk, fish oil caps

pre- workout protien shake 5g creatine

post workout 2 scoops protien shake, grape juice 5g creatine

lots of water thoughout the day
my meals vary thats for today never any less sometimes more lookin at that I think that I need to eat more any suggestions with that would help also.

[quote]laro83 wrote:
Right on a hack squat will do that for sure. thanks for that [/quote]

front squas may be a better choice.

[quote]laro83 wrote:
Ok so I decided that I am going to start Rippetoe Monday, Instead of doing power cleans is it ok to change that to another exercise like BB Rows. any suggestions on that or other exercises that may work or just man up and do the POWER CLEANS. Once I start the routine I will keep a log. can I add abs to the end of routine or chin-ups??something.


Yes, you can substitute BB rows in place of the Cleans. Do 3x5.

As far as abs, I believe Rippetoe says to do ab work after every workout. He recommends weighted decline situps. I would read the ENTIRE article that the Dude gave you the link to. It covers all your questions.

yea I got that read the whole thing thanks a lot