Hello T-Nation


I’m a begginer, started 6 months ago, I was 5’7 150lbs … Now I’m still 5’7 (haha) 180lbs Bodyfat at 7-8%

I’m 17 years old

Supplements ? Glutamine before bed and protein powder, that’s it that’s all. I’ve tried a lot, all i gotta say = waste of money.

Another 6 months and I’ll post on Rate my Physique lol

Followed the advices of personal trainers on another forum and from reading a lot on T-Nation.

Goal ? Reaching my limits ! Maybe start a powerlifting program …

Workout A

Deadlifts 10x3
Lounges 4x6
Single Arm Row 4x6 or 3x8 or 10 or 12
Chin ups/Pull Ups 3x8 or 10 or 12
Bench Press variation 4x6 or 3x8 or 10 or 12
Close Grip Bench Press 4x6 or 3x8 or 10 or 12

Workout B

Walking Lounges 3x8 or 10 or 12
Stiffed Legs Deadlifts 10x3
Standing Barbell Row 4x6 or 3x8 or 10 or 12
Chins Up/Pull Ups 3x8 or 10 or 12
Bench Press Variation 4x6 or 3x8 or 10 or 12
Close Grip Bench Press 4x6 or 3x8 or 10 or 12

Workout C

Standing Millitary Press 4x6 or 3x8 or 10 or 12
Jump Shrugs 4x6 or 3x8 or 10 or 12
Squats 10x3
Chin Ups/Pull ups
Bench Press Variation 4x6 or 3x8 or 10 or 12

Routine :

Workout A
off+~10 mins of abs exercises
Workout B
Workout C
Workout A
Workout B
Workout C
Rinse and repeat !

Nutrition (Every meat are X-tra Lean) :

6:00 Wake up, 2 Cups of Oatmeals , 720 Calories, 120g Carbs, 24g Proteins + Orange Juice, 100 cals from carbs.

7:30 WORKOUT !

8:30 Post-Workout, Powder 45g Proteins 14g Carbs 260 Cals, 1 cup Oatmeal 310 cals 60g Carbs 12g Proteins + 2 cup skimmed milk 160 cals 24g carbs 18g proteins … Over 15mins,
75g Proteins, 92g Carbs, 730 cals !

9:00 Horses Meat, 25~30g proteins + Veggies (Peas, Corn here)

11:00 Beaf Meat, 20~25g Proteins + Veggies (Brocolis, carrots etc. any low GI veggies)

14:00 8 Egg White, 25g proteins + Veggies (Brocolis, carrots etc. any low GI veggies)

17:00 Tuna Can 30g Proteins + Veggies (Brocolis, carrots etc. any low GI veggies)

20:00 Chicken, 20g proteins + Veggies (Brocolis, carrots etc. any low GI veggies)

Damn. 30 pds of muscle in 6 months? Very impressive. I must say I am a bit skeptical, I mean, even for a beginner that’s pretty insane.

Before the 6 months, I was boxing and 1-2 times a week weight sescions, but no legs at all, only some few bicpeps curls and bench press … Diet was shit also lol … So with the diet + a complete workout including legs, gaining weights as been succesful ! I have no other secrets, I know that the 185lbs bar will be hard to break but I will ! haha, after we’ll see …

[quote]markdp wrote:
Damn. 30 pds of muscle in 6 months? Very impressive. I must say I am a bit skeptical, I mean, even for a beginner that’s pretty insane. [/quote]

What’s even more insane is that he ended up at single digit bodyfat%. I’m a bit skeptical too but it looks like a solid program/diet so I won’t call bullshit.

I gotta try those “Lounges”, sounds very restful…

For the bodyfat, little secret here, it’s an approximation ! A mix between what we see and this weird machine that you must hold in your hand lol, the machine says 7.x% I say 7-8% that’s all haha

For the lunges … great coumpounds move if you want my idea ^^

Another thing, why would I have to justify myself ? I just tell you what are my own results, what would it bring me to lie here ? That subject is just to introduce myself so huh. I’m not a 13 years ols girl pretending to bench 400lbs !

Have a nice day and I’ll keep you update every month (for my stats) !

There just an inevitable increase of people who claim to be what they aren’t when they’re under the impression that everybody else here skipped the beginning part of lifting and was just born benching twice their body weight. But good for you making damn decent progress and being committed. And oh my you realized that supplements+potato chips+Law&Order doesn’t add muscle too. Quite strange :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote]Skrussian wrote:
And oh my you realized that supplements+potato chips+Law&Order doesn’t add muscle too. Quite strange :P[/quote]

HAHA, true = D