I’m a begginer, started 6 months ago, I was 5’7 150lbs … Now I’m still 5’7 (haha) 180lbs Bodyfat at 7-8%
I’m 17 years old
Supplements ? Glutamine before bed and protein powder, that’s it that’s all. I’ve tried a lot, all i gotta say = waste of money.
Another 6 months and I’ll post on Rate my Physique lol
Followed the advices of personal trainers on another forum and from reading a lot on T-Nation.
Goal ? Reaching my limits ! Maybe start a powerlifting program …
Workout A
Deadlifts 10x3
Lounges 4x6
Single Arm Row 4x6 or 3x8 or 10 or 12
Chin ups/Pull Ups 3x8 or 10 or 12
Bench Press variation 4x6 or 3x8 or 10 or 12
Close Grip Bench Press 4x6 or 3x8 or 10 or 12
Workout B
Walking Lounges 3x8 or 10 or 12
Stiffed Legs Deadlifts 10x3
Standing Barbell Row 4x6 or 3x8 or 10 or 12
Chins Up/Pull Ups 3x8 or 10 or 12
Bench Press Variation 4x6 or 3x8 or 10 or 12
Close Grip Bench Press 4x6 or 3x8 or 10 or 12
Workout C
Standing Millitary Press 4x6 or 3x8 or 10 or 12
Jump Shrugs 4x6 or 3x8 or 10 or 12
Squats 10x3
Chin Ups/Pull ups
Bench Press Variation 4x6 or 3x8 or 10 or 12
Routine :
Workout A
off+~10 mins of abs exercises
Workout B
Workout C
Workout A
Workout B
Workout C
Rinse and repeat !
Nutrition (Every meat are X-tra Lean) :
6:00 Wake up, 2 Cups of Oatmeals , 720 Calories, 120g Carbs, 24g Proteins + Orange Juice, 100 cals from carbs.
7:30 WORKOUT !
8:30 Post-Workout, Powder 45g Proteins 14g Carbs 260 Cals, 1 cup Oatmeal 310 cals 60g Carbs 12g Proteins + 2 cup skimmed milk 160 cals 24g carbs 18g proteins … Over 15mins,
75g Proteins, 92g Carbs, 730 cals !
9:00 Horses Meat, 25~30g proteins + Veggies (Peas, Corn here)
11:00 Beaf Meat, 20~25g Proteins + Veggies (Brocolis, carrots etc. any low GI veggies)
14:00 8 Egg White, 25g proteins + Veggies (Brocolis, carrots etc. any low GI veggies)
17:00 Tuna Can 30g Proteins + Veggies (Brocolis, carrots etc. any low GI veggies)
20:00 Chicken, 20g proteins + Veggies (Brocolis, carrots etc. any low GI veggies)