Noticed there’s nothing clear on how to keep your tendons (and conjunctive tissue) healthy and strong.
Let’s make a thread that’ll teach the whole Nation how to keep their tendons strong(er) and (more) crackless as 110000 psi steel!
<EDIT: it seems tendons are actually stronger…>
I’ll begin:
My almost nonexistent knowledge on the subject: #1 conjunctive tissue has very low blood supply
#2 it needs high reps to get strong and stay healthy (what’s high? 20 @ ~20RM, 50 @ 80 RM?)
(kinda screwed…this means some guy who does sets of 100 push-ups a day but can hardly bench BW will have stronger shoulder tendons than a guy benching 3 x BW; or someone curling 100 x 20 lbs > someone curling 5 x 70 lbs)
#3 very high loads for small ROM are good for it (goes against #2) - lock-outs, partials etc.
#4 supplemental vitamin C is a must
#5 read that lactic acid is good for the conjunctive tissue (“acts as regular maintenance”) - probably goes with #2
#6 light and very slow eccentrics are good for tendinosis
So bbb would i be able to privately talk to you about this if it’s not too big of a deal? Seeing as you are a busy man… but I have some questions regarding the use.
Revenons a nos moutons…
(getting back to our sheep)
…how to strengthen the tendons…
Wouldn’t a very intense (high weights/low reps) training program, w/o added high rep training etc. be bad for the conjunctive tissue, even with the extra supps? (and as such warrant more measures)
(since with the advent of low rep training: Thibaudeau, Waterbury, Tsatsouline, Rippetoe etc. doing high reps is no longer “common (sense)”, a discussion is warranted)
(due thanks to BBB for the input; I’m taking a wild guess that that GHRP-6 would be(chondroitin+glucosamin)^n , n high, and it’s not something I would’ve come across all that easily)
From my experience, I am more in favor of a controlled and structured eccentric focused protocol to help strengthen tendons and other conjunctive tissue (in addition to proper friction/soft tissue work, supplementation, etc) rather than a high rep training protocol. You just have to be careful with this type of training as it causes significant muscle damage as well and can impede other results/goals.