HGH/IGF-1 for Tendon Repair

hi all

currently undergoing prolotherapy for medial elbow pain (tendon injury) in both arms caused by repetive use as well as in right SI joint (ligament injury) caused by a heavy squat with bad form because of poor mobility / flexibility (which I am ardently working on).

I have read small studies of hgh / igf-1 usage to promote tendon and ligament repair, as well as some mention of their use in prolotherapy (directly injecting an irritant into the injured area to promote inflammation and thus healing) and from what I’ve read the usage of either HGH or igf-1 can promote faster and more complete healing. does anyone have any experience?

i am relatively unfamiliar with the usage of performance enhancing compounds and therefore am kind of confused in one issue: which would be better for promoting tendon/ligament healing ? HGH, or igf-1?

I thought it was HGH could regrow cartlidge in some cases.

i read a study where igf-1r3 did well in regenerating tendons in rats in direct site injections (prolotherapy = direct site injections). otherwise most of the literature ive seen points to HGH as being most effective in regenerating tendons/ligaments but i cant seem to find much specific mention on specific site injections vs. a general overall injection for overall body improvements. im most interested in specific site injections.

what im trying to ask is if in comparing the three, HGH / igf-1 / igf-1r3 , as to specific site injections, if one rates higher than the other, does that mean that the others won’t do a good job in themselves? im not sure if i can acquire igf-1r3 but i might be able to get HGH.

hey bushido, thanks for the reccomendation. ill do some reading up on it. what are the benefits / negatives (other than cost) of using ghrp6 as opposed to hgh / igf-1 / igf-1r3. im afraid im not familiar with the difference between peptides and regular old HGH. please feel free to point me in the direction of a location where I can read up on this stuff. are there any up-to-date texts or online resources where I can learn the in’s and out’s of this sort of stuff?

personally, im most concerned with keeping my natural levels of growth hormone output where they are; i wouldnt even be thinking about using anything of the sort if it werent for these nagging injuries.

[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:
Not to be a dick, but I suggest you consider a 4th way… GHRP6.

At about $5-15 per 5mg (roughly 10 days’ worth) it is cheaper than just about anything else.

I have a friend who is a tested baseball player and he assures me that he and his colleagues rely on this stuff to heal up shouilder injuries, effectively.


I have been using GHRP 6 at about 230/mcg day for my seperated shoulder and its not doing much, Im about 2 weeks in and doing shoulder therapy as well…

BBB How long does he usually run it for?

theres also Hexarelin which anthony roberts states is likely to aid in injury recovery the same or better than ghrp6 but ive read some criticisms of his opinions. egnatiosj, are you sure your source is legit? do you get the extreme hunger with ghrp6 at those 230mcg doses?

im going to go ahead and order some ghrp6 pretty soon. since it is legal to acquire, would anyone be willing to review the sources i intend to purchase from through PM and inform me of who best to buy from? thanks

[quote]fatcat wrote:
theres also Hexarelin which anthony roberts states is likely to aid in injury recovery the same or better than ghrp6 but ive read some criticisms of his opinions. egnatiosj, are you sure your source is legit? do you get the extreme hunger with ghrp6 at those 230mcg doses?

im going to go ahead and order some ghrp6 pretty soon. since it is legal to acquire, would anyone be willing to review the sources i intend to purchase from through PM and inform me of who best to buy from? thanks[/quote]

just type in research chemicals into google and like six will come up… Yes its def a legit product, at 300mcg I get HUGE hunger pains… My dose is pretty low compared to most but I had read that nothing over 200mcg/day is needed for joint repair…

[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:
egnatiosj wrote:
bushidobadboy wrote:
Not to be a dick, but I suggest you consider a 4th way… GHRP6.

At about $5-15 per 5mg (roughly 10 days’ worth) it is cheaper than just about anything else.

I have a friend who is a tested baseball player and he assures me that he and his colleagues rely on this stuff to heal up shouilder injuries, effectively.


I have been using GHRP 6 at about 230/mcg day for my seperated shoulder and its not doing much, Im about 2 weeks in and doing shoulder therapy as well…

BBB How long does he usually run it for?

I honestly don’t know how long he runs it for. If it were me, then 6 weeks would be my runtime.

How do you know it’s not doing much? Do you have a previous experience to compare it to, or is this more of a subjective assessment?


Well my two measures have been pain, which has been fairly consistant and a ROM test administered by one of my PT friends which has stayed at about 80%… I might up the dosage as well most people I know ran 200mcg or so more than once a day, while I am doing only once a day…

egnatiosj good luck with your healing. i find with my injuries that they stay at one level for quite some time through rehab and then near the end they improve significantly. the human body is strange.

hey guys

ive settled on

IGF-1 LR3 = 20 mcg injected directly into SI Joint / lower back once a week at the same time as my prolotherapy injections
GHRP-6 = 100mcg a day

all for a total of 4-6 weeks depending on rate of healing

my concerns are this:
1.) once a week may be too little even for rehab purposes?
2.) igf-1 into lower back = insane lower back pumps???
3.) should i cut ghrp-6 out of the day I get the IGF-1 lr3 injection

any comments are appreciated. i should mention I’m 22 years old so I’m quite cautious about using too much of these substances - i am aiming for a maximum healing affect without any sides

hey bbb; i wouldn’t do it myself, but have the professional doing the prolo injections do it. but if you have some specific concerns about attempting this type of injection please let me know, your opinion is valued.

while i did find studies showing the benefits of IGF-1 in healing injuries, i made a mistake in assuming that it was injected directly into the joint (although I have read literature supporting IGF-1 being injected as close as possible to the injury) what do you think of an IM injection into lower back? I have a feeling that would lead to painful and excessive lower back pumps.

"Local IGF-1 overexpression in skeletal muscle initiates muscle proliferation differentiation pathways after nerve injury "


granted, these are studying muscle and not connective tissue injuries

[quote]fatcat wrote:
hey bbb; i wouldn’t do it myself, but have the professional doing the prolo injections do it. but if you have some specific concerns about attempting this type of injection please let me know, your opinion is valued.

while i did find studies showing the benefits of IGF-1 in healing injuries, i made a mistake in assuming that it was injected directly into the joint (although I have read literature supporting IGF-1 being injected as close as possible to the injury) what do you think of an IM injection into lower back? I have a feeling that would lead to painful and excessive lower back pumps. [/quote]

IM into the gluteal area would be much more realistic and do-able IMO…

this info has been pretty helpful, as I have had tendonitis in my elbow for 2 yrs now. Had 2 cortizone injections, but they only helped for a short while.

So IGF + GHRP6, huh?
Why not ghrp2, which does not cause the extreme hunger?

The fuck! Why do people start a log and then cut it short like this ?