Increased Growth Hormone w/ Diet?

I’ve been posting on T-Nation for awhile but do not use steroids or really intend to.

I do think this is the best forum to post my question in however and would appreciate any response. Or sarcastic links to old threads.

I am interested in upping growth hormone levels naturally. I realize that without going through hormone therapy, I will remain in the normal production range which is fine.

I’ve read about testosterone diets, certain foods, vitamins and minerals that keep testosterone production high, even if in natural ranges and more commonly foods to avoid that lower test.

I am curious if there are similar foods, diets etc that increase gh. Obviously exercise, compound lifts, intense cardio, lots of sleep etc.

Any info or am I just wanting to have my cake and eat it too by avoiding injections?

google GHRP-6

GHRP-6 needs to be injected. He doesn’t want any injections.

[quote]soontobeIFBB wrote:
google GHRP-6[/quote]
From his post though, I don’t think that Texas is interested in pinning peptides. Otherwise, yeah.

It was a good theoretical - if not practical - question though & I’d like to hear what others have to say. I’m ignorant :slight_smile:

Would one purposely wake up intermittently in later stage REM cycles? Do you try to tweak eating hours in order to enhance ghrelin levels… without inducing catabolism, mind you? IIRC, GH enhancement is often paired with increased cortisol levels, too. And other factors aside, what is the maximum natural increase that one could achieve?

Tell me if these ramblings are total nonsense.

[/end babble]

[quote]whotookmyname wrote:
soontobeIFBB wrote:
google GHRP-6
From his post though, I don’t think that Texas is interested in pinning peptides. Otherwise, yeah.

It was a good theoretical - if not practical - question though & I’d like to hear what others have to say. I’m ignorant :slight_smile:

Would one purposely wake up intermittently in later stage REM cycles? Do you try to tweak eating hours in order to enhance ghrelin levels… without inducing catabolism, mind you? IIRC, GH enhancement is often paired with increased cortisol levels, too. And other factors aside, what is the maximum natural increase that one could achieve?

Tell me if these ramblings are total nonsense.

[/end babble]

Yes, these more specific questions and more importantly answers are what I’m looking for.

[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:
I think the supplement forum would be most apt for this sort of question.

I mean this is a forum that revolves around drugs, not trying to get ‘drug like effects’ from food.


I thought about it but decided I didn’t want to wade through posts of bs sublingual gh enhancing supps that have to be unlocked from a case at gnc.

I would imagine people here know more about tweaking hormones, drug use or not.

It’s been discussed a number of times at Mind & Muscle, where I occasionally spend some time. The guys are a little too quick to jump on PubMed abstracts and try to convert theory to practice IMO, but there are some illuminating debates. I don’t think you’ll read anything earthshattering, but you might get some ideas.

Here are a couple of links. A good search will probably yield a lot more.

Peptides & GH / IGF pathways are also discussed heavily at BB sites such as Professional Muscle. There are one, maybe two people that are on top of GH / peptides, and then a large number of followers.

I don’t particularly like the vibe on those sorts of sites, so you’ll have to dig about on your own.

In MY personal opinion… raising Growth Hormone naturally is quite impossible, even Poliquins GVT doesn’t produce THAT much of it, and thats about as much stimulas as you can put on your body.

However, again i defer to these guys knowledge.

[quote]whotookmyname wrote:
It’s been discussed a number of times at Mind & Muscle, where I occasionally spend some time. The guys are a little too quick to jump on PubMed abstracts and try to convert theory to practice IMO, but there are some illuminating debates. I don’t think you’ll read anything earthshattering, but you might get some ideas.

Here are a couple of links. A good search will probably yield a lot more.

Peptides & GH / IGF pathways are also discussed heavily at BB sites such as Professional Muscle. There are one, maybe two people that are on top of GH / peptides, and then a large number of followers.

I don’t particularly like the vibe on those sorts of sites, so you’ll have to dig about on your own.[/quote]

Thanks. This is the sort of thing I’m looking for. It looks like I am seeking a magic bullet but hey, if I can tweak my hormones naturally, even a little, it’s better than nothing I suppose.

On a different note, if injecting is the only thing keeping you from exploring deeper options, you’d do well to know that it is really, really not a big deal. Most especially when dealing with peptides, all that I am aware of requiring no more than a 30 gauge insulin syringe, which is so simple and painless to use it is almost silly.

GHRP-6 is legal, too (or at least, not illegal), for the time being.