Here is A
And here is B
For C and D I want to ass some calisthenics and polymetrics, kettlebell and cardio as I am trying to get in shape for boxing any tips or ideas?
Should calisthenics be workout D or should I use it on the C workout?
Here is A
And here is B
For C and D I want to ass some calisthenics and polymetrics, kettlebell and cardio as I am trying to get in shape for boxing any tips or ideas?
Should calisthenics be workout D or should I use it on the C workout?
Are you still 220? What progress have you made in the past year?
I’m not watching 20 minutes of video just to give advice. What are the workouts - exercises/sets/reps?
What does “in shape” mean to you? Like, endurance? That will primarily come from boxing training like sparring and bag work, especially if you’re boxing several days a week and especially if you’re new to the sport. Training outside the boxing gym should generally focus on basic strength-building.
I’m 200 now
You don’t have to watch the videos. Just wondering how to incorporate calisthenics and kettlebell work properly
If we don’t know what you’re doing during the week, we have no idea how to “incorporate” anything.
What is this?
And yeah, we’re going to need to know what you’re doing in your training overall, before we can offer advice on changing it. That’s lifting, boxing, daily activity levels etc. Some specific goals would be useful too.
Well I’m doing work out A and B every and on the 3rd day I jump rope and lift some weights and do push-ups and Pull-ups etc
Workout A and B are compromised of 5 of the main lifts and a couple accessory workouts.
They both average about an hour of time in the gym. I work 4 days a week, my goal is to lose more weight probably another 30 pounds. I want to work on my endurance and stamina on my C and D workout, but was wondering if it makes more sense to do calisthenics workout C and Kettlebell workout D or should I switch it around?
Cool, bro. Do that then.
You didn’t even help, you’re negative attitude reflects your inability to solve simple “problems”
I tried helping. In order to provide the most accurate advice, I asked you two very simple questions in my first post. You chose to ignore both of them.
EDIT: Regarding your recent edited post above, the information you provided (after the fact) is not what I asked for.
Nobody wants to watch 20 minutes of video to do you a favor and give you free advice.
Maybe you should hire a coach if you want that kinda service
Why would doing more be better?
I clearly stated you didn’t have to watch the video
So you aim to lose weight? What does your nutrition look like?
As far as I can tell your workouts schedule looks like:
Day 1: five “main lifts”, 5 x 5, plus accessories.
Day 2: five “main lifts”, 5 x 5, plus accessories.
Day 3: jumping rope and some really basic calisthenics
Day 4: unspecified kettlebell stuff.
Things we don’t know that would be useful:
Have you considered 5/3/1?
So if we don’t watch the video, what information do we have to give you advice from?
For workout C I’ll do a mix of calisthenics and kettlebell and polymetrics. No worries and no need to ocercomplicate a simple question
We got all of that, apart from what polymetrics is.
If you want detailed advice, answer some or all of the questions asked above.
If your question really is “what order shall I do my workouts”, the answer is whichever allows you to recover most effectively. My guess would be splitting up your heavy(?) lifting sessions but since I know very little about how you structure your week, I can only guess.
Begin every workout with some type of jump (box jump, broad jump, hurdle jump) and some type of throw (overhead med ball throw, med ball chest pass, backwards med ball throw, med ball slam). There’s your “polymetrics.”
Day 1, squat and do GHR’s and lunges. Do some kettlebell swings after.
Day 2, bench and do pushups and chinups. Jump rope for a while after.
Day 3, deadlift and do back raises and situps. Do some kettlebell swings after.
Day 4, overhead press and do dips and chinups. Jump rope for a while after.
Go for a run or bike ride or something a few times a week too.
So basically, 5/3/1. Jumps and throws, main lift + assistance, conditioning.
There’s so many free programs by very qualified coaches out there - if you want to become a better boxer, getting stronger, faster, and in better shape will absoultely help, and there’s so many ways to do this. The 2 part to that puzzle is becoming better at actual boxing - usually something a coach is best suited for.