Do you meant “innervation” gains as in increased neural supply to the muscle? If so, how would it be possible to do so after a certain age? As I understand, the main reason for lagging bodyparts is poor innervation and that cannot be changed.
Or perhaps youre referring to neuromuscular conditioning that allows you to recruit (and hence stress) many more fibers thus opening the possibility of hypertrophy
[quote]jeep69 wrote:
I am pressed for time yet again so I will do what I can.
as for the origional question posed by Horazo- Anyone can have a hard time putting on mass no matter what the frame size. Genetics are the number one factor that will determine your success in bodybuilding and strength training. Anyone that says they are not the number one determining factor is talking out their ass!
That being said the term “hardgainer” si thrown around WAAAY too much and this is why it gets a bad rap. 75% of the people that claim to be a hardgainer are only a hardgainer becuase they are responsible for it, called functional hardgainers. These are the guys that do stupid routines and do not eat near enough food for their body to grow off of. Their routines are piss poor and they do not even create innervention gains that lead to strength increases.
Genetics in a very broad sense of the term mean you muscle length,tendon length and overall bone structure and this = leverage and joint advantages, disadvantages. ( a guy with T-rex arms is going to bench much more that a guy with arms as long a s a broomstick.)Muscle and tendon length also play a very important part in the equation of building muscle and how much muscle you can build. Just becuase you have long arms does not mean you have long muscle bellies( which you want for bodybuilding)your long ass arms could consist of very long tendons and shor muscle bellies which would limit the overall growth potential as well as make it damn hard to get tension on the muscle in the correct way.
BASICALLY- alot of hardgainers build makes it hard to place correct tension on the muscle, their bones and tendons get in the way!!
Genetics also deals with the amount of muscle fibers in a muscle as well as internal hormone signaling as the number and amount of steroid, peptide, and amine hormones and their receptors will vary greatly from person to person.
This is a very broad scope on genetics.
as for some of the other comments as thaere is no such thing as a hardgainer or “genetics are only used as a crutch for lazy people” and my favorite “its basically crap!” I understand why you would say this but you are so far from knowing what you are talking about it is scary.
There are true hardgainers out there and they are not as rare as one would think.
I love the so called coaches who simply tell you to “eat,eat,and eat more”. Yup that will sure do you a whole lot of good, you once were skinny now your fat, that is not a good look or feeling to go through.
If you dont understand this concept then look at the above post where i spelled it ALL out for you. I discuss different kinds of hardgainers in there.
For the hardgainers there are fixes that will help lead them to their goals. Work capacity and glucose tolerance must be brought up. These are both fixed by conditioning such as high intensity cardio a few days a week that is broken into slowly and regular cardio conditioning such as walking.
That is why I always laugh my ass off ath the peopel who tell hardgainers not to do cardio. HARDGAINERS NEED TO DO DAILY CARDIO>!!
cardiovascular conditioning helps with nutrient partioning and brings up glucose tolerance. This helps get you more out of your food and your supps that you take. (basically lets you eat more food and not get fat, such a magic process!)
Hardgainers are also low in HCL levels and shoudl be using digestive enzymes to bring up digestive capacity.
as far as training goes hardgainers need to stay away from failure training alltogether and focus on only big compound lifts with their main goals being strength oriented until they can dead 350-400 and squat 315-350. with a bench of 250-275.
you cannot build anything without a base of fitness and strength. this is the most important thing anyeone shoudl worry about, hardgainer or not. YOU MUST FOCUS ON BUILDING A GOOD FITNESS BASE/CONDITIONING LEVEL AND A BASE LEVEL OF STRENGTH USEING 5 BASIC EXCERCISES BEFORE YOU EVEN CONCERN YOURSELF WITH ANY “HYPERTROPHY” WORK.
Building the strength base often puts an end to the hardgainers worry about size concerns. If you add 100lbs to your bench or dead over a few years you are going to be a shit load bigger, guaranteed.[/quote]