Hammering on People for Their Goals

Ok what is with you guys? I just read a recent post in the pic forum where some guy got hammered for his goals. I have noticed this alot lately. Shug even had to write an article about it.

If some one posts a pic and says “I don’t want to get huge.”, don’t start hammering him and telling him he’s a skinny punk. Merely suggest “I think you would look decent at a lean 175.” If you’ve only been here a few months, then you need seriously consinder what you are going to say before you say it.

I’ve been luking since about the fall of '00 and registered in april '03. I don’t post much, something has to be said. You new guys have no right to be rude to anyone even the new people. I don’t think that just that wanting to stay small but muscular is very “T”. There is alot more to Testosterone than being huge. Try being decent to people who have done to deserve otherwise. There are 155lb lifters who could out lift 99% of the people registered here.

I would like to see this site continue to grow. Hammering on someone for having different goals is no way to make that happen. As for the guys who have been here a bit longer, try to exercise your patience. Remember what it was like when you were a beginner. You probably read muscle mags too, and had weird training methods. As you learned more you goals changed and so did your training. So next time someone post a pic and says something stupid, take a deep breath, and calmly and politely give your .02. If you feel the need to be a jerk, then maybe it is best that you keep you opinion to yourself

*Note: if someone says something that merits ripping into them, then by all means, rip’em a new one.

hey olympiclifter! isn’t a scrawny kid coming to T-Nation saying that he wants to add a little more muscle and lean out kinda like a fatty going to a hardcore olympiclifting facility asking for advice about cardio?


I’m with 'ya…and I’ve posted such many times before…

I think that the guy who gets most of the grief is the one who is 6ft…a Buck 35…want’s to diet to get “ripped”, and mentions “Brad Pitt” in their goals, will get a LOT of “tough Love” on this site…

But I agree…a little more tact is in order!


This is a bodybuilding site. At least it used to be. All of the desktops I have downloaded say,“Dangerously Hardcore”.

I’ve been a member here for a long, long time. I adhere to the original tenets of this site.

I have little time for 5’10" 155 pound metrosexuals that are affraid of some mass. I won’t apologize for it, nor will I be brow beaten into ‘accepting’ them into the t-life style. The only thing dangerous about these guys are their estrogen levels.

I don’t know of many 155 pound powerlifters that post pics on here asking for advice. The 155’ers that I’ve seen posting before photos would be better served watching Oprah, and reading her 'Book of the Month".

DANGEROUSLY Hardcore used to mean something - and it damn sure wasn’t “let’s all just get along”.

I’ve said it before… say it again…

Most of the non-troll-non-powerlifters have their lil niche here as well.

I, for one, am not a powerlifter. I also am not a troll. However, if you’ve followed my posts, I provide the same advice as most of you guys: get big. If I was out preaching that we all switch over to triathlon, I would be open and welcome to a deep flaming.

IMO I think we are a bit beyond a 100% powerlifting or go home. The articles are a pure example of this. There are athletes here that are just as worthy as T-Man status as the hardcore powerlifters. There are articles written for powerlifting, athletic training, body building, etc.

IMO being a T-Man has to do with a lot more than simply powerlifting.

If a guy posts his goals and is working to achieve them, I think there should be some amount of respect. There is a difference between striving for goals and preaching your goals. I can think of my posts as an example. In the past I posted a race goal and what I was doing to work toward it… this is much different then saying… “I want to get faster because big people can’t run so I don’t want to get big”. I think we can all tell the difference between respecting our own values and imposing our own values. Such is the case in many aspects of life.

Tri, I’m attempting a translation to english, are you saying…

If people didn’t trash the concept of growing muscle in their goals statement they wouldn’t earn themselves such a thrashing?

[quote]vroom wrote:
Tri, I’m attempting a translation to english, are you saying…

If people didn’t trash the concept of growing muscle in their goals statement they wouldn’t earn themselves such a thrashing?[/quote]

Vroom, are you drinking soy milk these days?

You’ve been awfully cranky this past week or so.
Everything okay?

And yes, that’s what I got from Tri’s post. I for one am tired of the guys that come here at 135 pounds and carry on about how they don’t want to get “too big”…like it happens overnight.

[quote]vroom wrote:
Tri, I’m attempting a translation to english, are you saying…

If people didn’t trash the concept of growing muscle in their goals statement they wouldn’t earn themselves such a thrashing?[/quote]

Oh, and why are you trying to translate to English?
You’re Canadian. Translate it into Ursas Polaris…
(j/k buddy…)

[quote]vroom wrote:
Tri, I’m attempting a translation to english, are you saying…

If people didn’t trash the concept of growing muscle in their goals statement they wouldn’t earn themselves such a thrashing?[/quote]


It all comes down to stepping on toes. If you want to be anorexic thats fine but don’t insist that everyone else is moronic for not being anorexic… or that you will have more functional muscle… etc. I see it happening both ways.

A lot of the time we use the same approach as the troll uses… Ironic that we justify based on the appeal to popularity.

[quote]TriGWU wrote:
vroom wrote:
Tri, I’m attempting a translation to english, are you saying…

If people didn’t trash the concept of growing muscle in their goals statement they wouldn’t earn themselves such a thrashing?


It all comes down to stepping on toes. If you want to be anorexic thats fine but don’t insist that everyone else is moronic for not being anorexic… or that you will have more functional muscle… etc. I see it happening both ways.

A lot of the time we use the same approach as the troll uses… Ironic that we justify based on the appeal to popularity.

Anyone remember the 120 pound kid (not al shades) who called ProfX “fat ass”?
Why would you come to a place called T-Nation and do something like that?
Should we defend his goals?
Fuck no.
We should hammer him into the ground until he runs home crying.

But you have to remember that these guys probably don’t know any better. Yah if someone comes on blowing shit, then he deserves it. But a small guy, who just doesn’t understand should not be flamed. For craps sake, now we have the Vixen’s coming around giving shit comments. And not the ‘RJ hardcore’ ones either.

You can usually spot the idiots right away, and I say fire away. But when it is a beginnner who is misinformed it is part of our ‘job’ to teach him what we know.

Pay it forward fellas–Pay it forward.

[quote]rainjack wrote:
This is a bodybuilding site. At least it used to be. All of the desktops I have downloaded say,“Dangerously Hardcore”.

I’ve been a member here for a long, long time. I adhere to the original tenets of this site.

I have little time for 5’10" 155 pound metrosexuals that are affraid of some mass. I won’t apologize for it, nor will I be brow beaten into ‘accepting’ them into the t-life style. The only thing dangerous about these guys are their estrogen levels.

I don’t know of many 155 pound powerlifters that post pics on here asking for advice. The 155’ers that I’ve seen posting before photos would be better served watching Oprah, and reading her 'Book of the Month".

DANGEROUSLY Hardcore used to mean something - and it damn sure wasn’t “let’s all just get along”.[/quote]

RJ we usually agree on most, but I just don’t get this post. Were you always large and “hardcore,” or did someone help you along? You need to step back and see that quite possibly the site has evolved some and these kids (not trying to be offensive) just want to get bigger.

Some are idiots< I know, but some are just small guys that want to add quality weight. There is no problem with that. And it doesn’t take 225 to make you hardcore. There exists many bodytypes. Hardcore should be defined by ones attitude and character, not ones bodytype.

[quote]sasquatch wrote:
RJ we usually agree on most, but I just don’t get this post. Were you always large and “hardcore,” or did someone help you along? You need to step back and see that quite possibly the site has evolved some and these kids (not trying to be offensive) just want to get bigger.

Some are idiots< I know, but some are just small guys that want to add quality weight. There is no problem with that. And it doesn’t take 225 to make you hardcore. There exists many bodytypes. Hardcore should be defined by ones attitude and character, not ones bodytype.


Oh Great Hairy Dude:
I agree with the first post of yours above, for the most part.

I think what RJ–well, who the hell knows what RJ was saying. What I got from his post–and what I’ve been feeling around here–is that the site is indeed changing and expanding. And some of us–the ones that are in love with the “dangerously hardcore” stuff we remember are kind of left out of this new tone…at least that’s how I feel.

It was bodybuilding’s think tank.

Now it’s “how should I train for a marathon” and “men’s cosmetics”.

Ya know?


I fully understand the sentiment. The metro dudes and the wannabes are more and more of a problem.

Most of those are distinguishable from the guys who are really just misinformed and need/want help.

I’m not an old timer on this board, but I’m a gym rat from 25 years ago so I understand hardcore, 'cause that’s all that lifted back then. I feel your pain, but it is what it is. I’d rather see them ignored than persecuted.

That said, have at the idiots. And they are recognizable. “I have 3 weeks until (X), How can I put on the most muscle?”

You are free to unload both barrels.

Goin’ fishin’—be nice!


See this is where the problem is. Is there not ONE thing that people here on T-Nation agree on?? Does this ONE thing not involve lifting weights???

Newbies coming out with shit like not lifting heavy weights bcos they’re gonna get HUUUUGE is a cop out, I’m sorry I just don’t buy it.

If you enjoy lifting 30lbs Db’s like that other dude on his picture thread mentioned then do it but don’t come here telling everyone about it and expecting WELL DONE and a pat on your back.
I don’t care who you are, whether if you want to lose fat, gain muscle, do both, look like bruce lee, sprint, jump, LIFT THE FUCKING WEIGHTS.
Do we not at least agree on one thing??

Almost every article on this site is geared towards gaining muscle, or becoming stronger… so if you just FAT and want to lose weight then like ProfX said go to a Weightwatchers forum.

[quote]sasquatch wrote:

I fully understand the sentiment. The metro dudes and the wannabes are more and more of a problem.

Most of those are distinguishable from the guys who are really just misinformed and need/want help.

I’m not an old timer on this board, but I’m a gym rat from 25 years ago so I understand hardcore, 'cause that’s all that lifted back then. I feel your pain, but it is what it is. I’d rather see them ignored than persecuted.

That said, have at the idiots. And they are recognizable. “I have 3 weeks until (X), How can I put on the most muscle?”

You are free to unload both barrels.

Goin’ fishin’—be nice!

Well like I said–I agree with you. Especially when you go tossing out stuff like “the metro dudes and wannabes are more and more of a problem”.

And I try like hell to ignore it, for my part.

What are we fishing for today?
Wisconsin…could be anything.

I’d like to be drifting down the Sugar River right about now.

Have fun, good luck!

[quote]rainjack wrote:
This is a bodybuilding site. At least it used to be. All of the desktops I have downloaded say,“Dangerously Hardcore”.

I’ve been a member here for a long, long time. I adhere to the original tenets of this site.

I have little time for 5’10" 155 pound metrosexuals that are affraid of some mass. I won’t apologize for it, nor will I be brow beaten into ‘accepting’ them into the t-life style. The only thing dangerous about these guys are their estrogen levels.

I don’t know of many 155 pound powerlifters that post pics on here asking for advice. The 155’ers that I’ve seen posting before photos would be better served watching Oprah, and reading her 'Book of the Month".

DANGEROUSLY Hardcore used to mean something - and it damn sure wasn’t “let’s all just get along”.[/quote]

Comming from a guy with Johnny Bravo in his avatar. You do not rule this site, or anyone in it. This is just a fucking website not a cult, get over yourself and the whole “OMFG DANGEROUSLY HARDCORE”. It only meant something to people with no lives who turned to internet sites for support. If you don’t like someone’s posts/threads just don’t post in them.

[quote]shorty_blitz wrote:

Almost every article on this site is geared towards gaining muscle, or becoming stronger… so if you just FAT and want to lose weight then like ProfX said go to a Weightwatchers forum.[/quote]

Bullshit. There are SO many, SO many, SO FUCKING MANY articles on fatloss here. So don’t even pull that shit. They even sell a fucking fatloss agent on the front page. Not one person has said they wanted to lose fat without gaining muscle. It’s just that you weirdo’s who think you own the forums come around and try to regulate shit by assuming everyone wants to get all cut and skinny with no muscle at all. Then you spit out your typical garbage and give a gay speach and move on to the next newbie.

Just help educate them, don’t flame them. I learn alot better when someone is willing to help and is nice. If you just start attacking me, I’m going to get defensive and not listen.

[quote]sasquatch wrote:
I fully understand the sentiment. The metro dudes and the wannabes are more and more of a problem.

Read either of the “Men’s” magazines lately? (Mens Health or Mens Fitness). Compared to either of those, this site is way beyond dangerously hardcore. I guess I don’t go into the training picture posts all that much, so I don’t see all this metro stuff that everyone keeps talking about.

Griff, shut up.

It is so a cult.

C’mon…drink the Surge…c’mon…you know you wanna…c’mon…

Seriously…it meant a little more than that. And I don’t know as I’d be sitting there as a fucking high school kid yapping about “people with no lives”.

Not to put you down cause you’re in high school, just a comment on your lack of experience v. someone like RJ.