Anomaly in the Gym - Goals

I was wondering why is their always that big guy at the Gym who asks you what your goals are and then says that you should slim down will look big. Or in general why is there all these decently big douchebags telling people what their goals should be?

I find this an extremely fascinating phenomenon like they don’t want you to get as big as them or whatever.


it’s easier to spend five minutes convincing a guy not to get any bigger, then to spend the months lifting weight to actually get bigger than him.

quit bitching and do what you want man

[quote]HolyMacaroni wrote:

it’s easier to spend five minutes convincing a guy not to get any bigger, then to spend the months lifting weight to actually get bigger than him.[/quote]

Hahahaha. Good point. The altruistic voice in my head makes me encourage them to get as big as possible though.

Aside: There’s a guy in the gym (who has now become my friend) who in 6 months completely and utterly “transformed”. Put on like 25 lbs at the age of 17 and is now 7% BF. How? Eating and Whey.

Genetically he’s just ridiculous. I’ll be honest, at first that just really pissed me off.

Now, It encourages me.

There’s a chance he doesn’t want others to succeed.

have never met these guys

This happened to me yesterday, the owner of the gym is a former pro-bodybuilder,
who asked me what are my goals? I said to weigh about 255 or 265. He said I had to learn to give up that goal and slim down.

F%ck him, this bastard is shrinking because he had to finally lay off the sauce at the age of 46 and has suffered multiple lifting injuries. So he is starting to shrink quickly back down to 260 when he was weighing about 330 9 months ago.

I am on the way up and this douche is on the way down.

[quote]LiveFromThe781 wrote:
have never met these guys[/quote]

me either

nobody talks to me in the gym…it’s awesome.

Fuck them and whore that brought them to the world. Concentrate on your goal. If someone tries to tell you otherwise merely brush it off with “Sure” and put your Ipod back on.

I always listen to what people say to me closely. You can usually tell early on if they’re trying to sell you bullshit. Even if they are, occassionally their bullshit can trigger a segway into a good idea. Reject what isn’t useful and incorporate what is.

[quote]LiveFromThe781 wrote:
have never met these guys[/quote]


[quote]LiveFromThe781 wrote:
have never met these guys[/quote]


I think most people want to be the biggest in the gym; I know I do. However, I think it’s a matter of securing your position at the top. Who wants to be de-throned? I can say at my gym on base, out of all the regulars or TDY people who have come thru I have not been topped as far as size nor strength. But, that just keeps me motivated and I don’t go up to random people and tell them what they are doing wrong. If they want help, I’ll tell them. Besides, they aren’t going to listen anyway and continue to the do wrong crap.

[quote]iamthewolf wrote:
nobody talks to me in the gym…it’s awesome.[/quote]

It’s your hygiene…

actually the only decent thing about my gym is how many people are sociable with each other there. its actually really clicky on one hand but at the same time you see the same people over and over and if youre consistently going to the gym its just a matter of time before you talk to them for one reason or another, goals aside, theres some decent people at my gym as far as shooting the shit and lockeroom talk goes.

Maybe you’re just fatter than you’re telling us and he was really just trying to help.

[quote]polo77j wrote:
iamthewolf wrote:
nobody talks to me in the gym…it’s awesome.

It’s your hygiene…[/quote]

i know. not showering ftw.