
Planning on using 25 guage needles for my next cycle. my question is this…is 5/8 inch pin long enough? i have 40 of these and just realized they were 5/8 inch.

Bill Roberts uses insulin syringes that are either 1/2 inch or 5/8 inch long, but he is probably pretty lean. If your bodyfat is reasonable they will probably work. However, if you are carrying a “winter layer” you might need something longer. It would be in your best interest to do a search on “Bill Roberts” and read, read, read!

Chris, 5/8 should be long enough, regardless of the site you are using for injection. You can push the needle all the way in, and push further again, if you feel you need to go deeper. The idea is to visualize the center of the muscle belly, and push the needle far enough in so that the tip is in that center. So the depth will depend on the site… for example, go deeper with the glutes than for the delts. Regardless of the site, 5/8 should be plenty of length for the load to be well absorbed.

Chris, 5/8 should be long enough, regardless of the site you are using for injection. You can push the needle all the way in, and push further again, if you feel you need to go deeper. The idea is to visualize the center of the muscle belly, and push the needle far enough in so that the tip is in that center. So the depth will depend on the site… for example, go deeper with the glutes than for the delts. Regardless of the site, 5/8 should be plenty of length for the load to be well absorbed.

If you’re squeezing an oil based fluid through there it’s going take a while to load the syringe and also get the stuff back out into your ass. It’s slow enough with 22 guage. Have fun.

actually i load with a 22 and shoot with a 26 so it works out fine.