Groin Injury/Who Should I See?

Hey guys I think this is the appropriate forum to post my question so here it goes. About 6 months ago I was sprinting and injured my groin. The day of the injury I came home with a lot of pain and once my body temperature decreased the pain got even worse, I could barely walk.

The next day it was still painful but nothing compared to the night before, still had some issues with walking but felt better. The second day I was back to normal, I could feel a pull in the groin area but no pain. That night I went to my typical Olympic Weightlifting session and clean and jerked/snatched with no pain or problems.

Forward to 2-3 weeks, I tried sprinting again but the pain wanted to return so I stop. Once again forward 3-4 more weeks and I tried playing soccer and once again the pain would try to return.

Since then I haven’t tried playing soccer or sprinting. I can run, jog, lift weights, rope jump but once I start doing things that involve me changing direction rapidly it starts to bother me and I know if I push it the area will get re-injured(or should I say even more injured??).

Anyways I want to get this fixed BUT don’t know which kind of doctor to look for?
I really really want to return to playing Soccer again.

Sorry for the long post.

No one??

You need to see a physiotherapist, its sounds like a groin strain, they will be able to diagnose how bad it is, and what treatment is required.

Don’t know how it works over there, but in the uk we can get a referal from our general doctor, and they can forward us on the a physio. Ive got a similar problem at the moment, and its a pain in the ass because it takes a while to heal!

No one??<<

Apparently no one gives a shit, deal with it.

[quote]teamwiggum wrote:

No one??<<

Apparently no one gives a shit, deal with it.[/quote]

Too late, I’m cutting my veins as I’m typing this. Now go away cunt.

[quote]ronaldo7 wrote:

[quote]teamwiggum wrote:

No one??<<

Apparently no one gives a shit, deal with it.[/quote]

Too late, I’m cutting my veins as I’m typing this. Now go away cunt.[/quote]

Wow, someone can dish it out but sure can’t take it. You reap what you sow sunshine…

[quote]teamwiggum wrote:

[quote]ronaldo7 wrote:

[quote]teamwiggum wrote:

No one??<<

Apparently no one gives a shit, deal with it.[/quote]

Too late, I’m cutting my veins as I’m typing this. Now go away cunt.[/quote]

Wow, someone can dish it out but sure can’t take it. You reap what you sow sunshine…[/quote]
Seriously man…get a life.

[quote]teamwiggum wrote:

No one??<<

Apparently no one gives a shit, deal with it.[/quote]
K for your information, asshole, I have seen a lion. And not one of your crap ass queen of the jungle homoerotic pussy-cat lions. A real lion, with fangs and horns and wings and shit. Don’t pull your fucking wierd ass african voodoo hypnosis crap on me when you don’t even know wtf you’re talking about

It sounds like you have some scar tissue built up from your initial pull.

I’d recommend trying to find an active release technique (ART) practitioner. Google active release and you should find info on it and how to find a practitioner. Myofascial release is a more generic term.

I had a groin pull about three years ago. After two or three months without much improvement, I went and had ART done. It took several visits, but it did the job. I have had good success with ART on elbow/forearm tendinosis, too.

Thanks for the two serious responses!! I’m going to search around my area to see what I can find.

You might also want to do a search of the archives here. Cressey, I think, wrote an article on training the thigh adductors and discussed groin pulls in it.