Good 'ole Mag-10

Hey fellas, especially you previous Mag-10 users. Got a question for ya. Just ordered two bottles of Mag-10. Will a two week cycle give me more gains, or will a 4 cycle produce more for me? Thanks fellas.

Bill said that 2 on/2 off/2 on would give you better long term gains than 4 on straight. I think I got that right. In other words, you’ll get more out of it with some off time rather than staying on it for the same amount of time straight through. This may have something to do with the body only being able to grow so much at a time.

Yes, and also, if the question was whether
two bottles would give more results if taken over two weeks (two doses per day) or over four weeks (one dose per day) then most definitely the answer is over four weeks.

And if done over four weeks, two separate periods of two weeks with time inbetween should give somewhat more net lasting benefit than four weeks straight.

I’ve done a couple of cycles, and noticed that for me, most gains come in the first week (80%ish). So now I only do 1 on, 2 off, at 1 1/2 doses per day. The product lasts a bit longer, and I’m ready for a more productive next cycle a week earlier. General consensus is that gains taper off on longer cycles, so I would say out of the two options you provide, go for 2x 2week cycles.

I have to agree with T-Bam’s idea, I also noticed the majority of gains (though some may be water, etc) in the first week. I also seem to have a harder time keeping my diet and training as tight in the 2nd week. I have a couple of bottles of Mag-10 still, so I’m gonna give the 1 0n, 2 off, a try.