I was recently thinking about final preperations before a powerlifting meet, and my mind was running over supramaximal forced reps, negatives, and other final preparations. Then I had my “good idea”. I was thinking of loading the bar in those guided squat machines (smith machine?) with around 50% of my bench max and then lowering the bar in normal fashion and then the fun starts. With a competent spotter, have him/her press down on the bar until there is now enough weight on the bar to create an isometric contraction for the lifter.
This contracion is continued for about 3 seconds and then the spotter immediately removes their own applied weight and the isometric contraction turns immediately into a concentric contraction and is carried through into a plymetric excercise by launching the bar. The competent spotter will have to catch the bar, I believe, because even 50% of one’s max seems to be a lot to catch for the bencher as the weight comes back down. My reasoning is that with the isometric contraction a huge amount of fibers are being recruited and then used concentricly with a greater amount of force being produced than if it was just an eccentric followed by concentric contraction.
The plyometric follow through would make sure the greater amount of force being produced would be applied throughout 100% of the movement. The idea really reminds me of using a wrench to twist a rusty bolt that won’t let go even though your using all you got until BAM!, the thing turns and your hand goes one hundred m.p.h. and in my case into something sharp or rough and you get a nice ouchie. Tell me what you all think about this idea and what you would recommend for set/rep schemes. If I use this it will probably be on the last two weeks before my meet and then only once a week.
Having someone catching a bar dropping with ANY weight is not smart. What if he misses? You’re in deep shit! Don’t do it.
BTW, Use a smith machine for balistic benching.
the thing that sucks about the smith machine is that it has the hooks on the side so the bar might rotate and bang the hooks. also the smith machine does not mimic your natural motion. laters pk
pk there is no other safe way to do a balistic bench. I have NEVER had a problem with the hooks rotating. Just takes some concentration.
Do it in a power rack and set the pins to just cover your body, then fire away
Or explosive push-ups.
Thanks for all the input, it got me thinking a little more which is always good.
“Do it in a power rack”? I’m sure that will work wonders on the pins. I don’t care if its made by Elite or Weider they’re gonna bend and possibly break.
Justin, in the tape of Schroeder training Archuleta, he actually DOES do what you’re thinking of doing. Basically, a ‘partial’ load is on the bar, Adam lowers it to his chest, two spotters press down while Adam exerts all his might isometrically for about 8-10 sec, then does either real fast reps and/or explosive push-ups. So, you’re onto something beneficial.
50% is too high for ballistic lifts. Do you really think you are going to be able to “throw” that weight after a maximal isometric? Even without the isometric, you should stick with weights in the 15-30% of max range. The whole point of ballistic training is to be extremely explosive and throw the weight not unlike you would a medicine ball. You will not be able to do this with 50% of max. Westside trainees use around 50% on their speed day and they are not “getting air” with the weight. Powerlifters are better off sticking to speed sets and not ballistic ones, in my opinion. A powerlifter requires more absolute strength than say an olympic lifter. This method would be better suited for olympic lifters because of this.