Smith Machine Bashing

The Smith Machine (because of its ROM limitations and stabilizer “weakning”) has been getting a lot of bad press lately, especially in the mags. Since I value you guys opinions, is there any “good” use for the Smith Machine OR should it be used in only a very limited and/or specific way? THANKS!

i use it for hack squats - that’s it

I use the smith machine for three things when training clients. As an adjustable bar for reverse push ups, different heights. For Females and occasionaly some males who can not do push ups, they allow for incremental decreases in decline push ups, and for doing a hip flexor stretch.
In regards to the comment by TC about trainers getting clients to do pressing on a swiss ball using the smith machine, those people must be escorted off the premises.

I see the Smith machine as a bar that slides up and down on
two poles aided by pulleys. Translation: the SM is only as
productive as the person using it. The FOOL who heaves the
weight up and performs ATOMIC DROP negatives with free
weights will do the same with the SM. A quality SM
can be an awesome tool to SUPPLEMENT any BB program,
but it alone should not be the MAIN COURSE. I personally have
created a collection of HYBRID movements for the
SM that have served me quite well on specific programs.
It’s quite comical when some novice with his jaw dropped and
eyes bulging says to me - “What the hell are you da - da - doing
man, I - I - never seen anyone doing that before?!” I curtly advise
him, “That’s because I just invented it.” The SM does allows
anyone with a restless mind and a creative streak to have a field day.
YES, I prefer free weights BIG TIME, for some of the reasons you stated,
(e.g., neglect of important stabilizer muscles). But let’s not throw
the baby out with the bath water! Respectfully, Joey Z. ::::----::::

pull-ups, standing calf raises, a kind of prone row where your feet/ankles are on a stable swiss ball

I only use the Smith occationally and even then I only do hack squats and incline bench press (spares my shoulders). I definitely don’t rely on it but I’ve seen a lot of big guys that do all their flat benching and squatting on the damn thing. Go figure.

If I do leg presses before squats, I will use the Smith to squat with. I use a stance with my feet a lot closer together than I normally do. It hits my quads hard. It is harder and more effective than it seems.

Geez…almost FORGOT, guys! SISSY SQUATS! Everyone agree that “Sissys” are probably a good exercise to do with the Smith?

The only thing I use the Smith for is shoulder presses when I don’t have a spotter around. Just personal taste I guess, like having that security when lifting something over my head that is also incredibly shoulder dominate (don’t want to mess them up).

I like the SM for shrugs, and thats it. If my gym had a trap bar, I wouldn’t even use it for that. And i only prefer it because I hate pulling a regular bar into the “boys.”
Mufasa - you can’t do sissy squats on a SM. Sissy squats require you to lean waayyy back, something the SM wouldn’t allow you to do.

its just a tool. you can get big useing free wts., hammer machines, dumbells, smith machine, nautilus machines, etc… its HOW you use it not so much what you use. don’t worry about “stabalizers”. peace

Thought I was going crazy for a minute there! There is an EXCELLENT demonstration of Smith Machine Sissys on the Ironman “Hypercontraction Training” tape (you can really collect a lot of tapes and books over the years!)And yes…the guy leans WAAAYY back…pretty cool, actually!

Hey, Mufasa, I think your quite right on the sissy squat thing,
but in reality it’s a son of a bitch to perform on the SM.
I too have studied a lot the “IRONMAN training systems.”
I own all their early books on “Points of Flexion,” and take into
account its midrange - stretch & contracted theories into most
of my training. Funny thing is that as much as their training systems
satisfy my intellectual side, I’ve made my biggest gains recently
doing a scant few movements with hi volume and seldom going
to failure. Go figure, huh?

I’ve personally been shying away from the Smith machine because of all the things mentioned (doesn’t kick in the stabalizers enough). BUT, I’ve been considering it during some King workouts that I don’t have a spot with (or don’t trust the spots I can get). In particular, bench pressing (I’ve already clocked myself once!).