*Calve work is not really necessary especially twice a week.
*Practice your normal bench a little more IMO
*That huge shoulder day could be cut down, a lot of oly lifts in one day will get you real fucked up, and you wont recover fast enough to get a real workout on Friday.
*Free squat at least once a week IMO, some people dont know how to properly do a box squat, therefore they wont get that much carryover to normal free squatting. I had a period when i cheated box squats, it was a whole month, i could box squat 455, i went to regular squats again and could only hit 405. Unless you are experienced or have someone to check your form, i would free squat. (you could change your front squats to Olympic ATG squats)
*When you get closer to competition, you should go for a totally different program so you can really peak your lifts.
*If you lift raw but you can use knee wraps, i would also start using them once in a while so you can learn the grove and get extra pounds.
*If you are quad dominant, i would also hit the hamstrings, glutes and lower back a little more.
*Are you going to pull sumo at the meet? And if so, make sure to work triples, doubles and singles.
I would practice your commands as you get near your competition, i was a spectator at a local meet, and 1/3 of the people got red lights for not following the commands.
That looks way better, but make sure to throw in some stuff for your rear delts, rear delt flyes, face pulls etc. Also dont be afraid to rotate your max effort exercises every few weeks and your assistance ones a little less frequently.
Sq: Static weight sets of 5
bp: increasing triples
bent row: heavy 5s
tricep/hamstring/abs assistance
Deadlift: whatever you like to deadlift be it 3s, 5s, 2s, 1s, whatever you want. No 4s though.
Some weighted pullups, pulldowns, good mornings or sldl
Sq: increasing 3s
BP: static 5s
rows: 8s
Military Press
Ultra light squatting for recovery
either in georgetown, an APA competition or in seneca sc , IBP competition, on october 25, depending on which i decide to do.
Is that last routine i posted better than all the other ones in this thread tho? or is the 2nd to last one the best? I don’t really wanna do someone elses routine.
start by actually doing some squats benches and deadlifts,…cut out the killer delt complex, your shoulders already take a good beating…lighten the delt load to a few basics, like bradford press, cleans, and rear delt flyes
Power bench
Wide weighted pullups
military press
Abdominal something?? (hanging leg raises?)
Sumo deadlifts
Good mornings
CG Bench
B-over rows
DB rear delt flyes
ab crunches or something?
Full Squat
Glute ham raises off the floor
Stiff leg deadlifts
This is my main routine i came up with so far with the help of you guys.
And matso. My current bench (maxed about 2 months ago, is 315) Squat is 385. Deadlift is 410 (last time i maxed on deadlift was before smolov, probably 4+ months ago. I started recently doing smolov and im at 315x5x5 pretty easy) Military press is about 175.
Yea man that looks pretty good, two moves which are pretty good for the rear delts instead of the side rises that i use are Seated DB Cleans and Face Pulls.
Any reason you are not doing your deadlifts sumo? Was it not your pulling style to begin with?
Also if you have boards you can do those for the triceps. Weighted dips worked rather well for my triceps as well.
[quote]matso1236 wrote:
Yea man that looks pretty good, two moves which are pretty good for the rear delts instead of the side rises that i use are Seated DB Cleans and Face Pulls.
Any reason you are not doing your deadlifts sumo? Was it not your pulling style to begin with?
Also if you have boards you can do those for the triceps. Weighted dips worked rather well for my triceps as well.
well man, i figured since my weakness was my lower back, why work around it right? because its just gonna get worse. And i’ve always had a love for conventional deadlifts even though i round alot, but ill get better! thanks alot man!