Glycerine as a Diuretic

So a trainer at the gym is telling my girlfriend to use glycerine daily to remove the water she is retaining underneath her arms. She is tone everywhere else but there is a stubborn pocket that won’t go away. I couldn’t find any information on using glycerine at all. Has anyone tried this?
I was thinking about suggesting Taraxatone but I know that isn’t a long term solution. The water would probably just come right back. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Farmer, you might look into Methoxy-7. I have just started it it it while not being a diuretic does have a hardening effect, making one more vascular and such. Lots of the gals around here swear by it in getting that super lean look. Do a search and it should turn up some good response. Also hopefully others will chime in.

Might simply look at diet as well. Maybe a need to cut dairy or something.

I would lean toward not relying on a diuretic. You need to be hydrated you know.Maybe for a competition or something but not long term.
Hope that helps,

Thanks Phill, she has cut a lot of sodium out of her diet. I was reading up on Methoxy-7, it sounds like it might be pretty good at maintaining lean mass while losing some fat. I just don’t know what the hell this guy at the gym is talking about. He claims as opposed to Taraxatone, Glycerine is something you can take for long periods of time. I can’t see how that is possible. If it does what he claims, it’s going to dehydrate her just the same. Oh well, if anyone else has any info on glycerine I’d appreciate it. Thanks.