I’ve been lurking this site for quite a while now and i thought it might be a good idea to start posting instead of just reading. I started lifting 2 years ago and have moderate success. Stats for Oct. 2011:
6’1, 190 lbs.
Deadlift 335
Squat 315
Press 135
Bench 225
Currently i use WS4SB (part 3) as my program of choice. I am also an avid golfer, however my swingspeed is a little low (just at 100 mph, i guess somewhere between 105-110 would be more appropriate). I guess i just lack speed in general. So far i just try to implement some golf specific plyometrics (medicine ball toss etc.) in my “dynamic lower body”. However i hardly notice any improvements. Should i swith to another programm or just keep rolling?
Well i just was weak and chubby, now i’m stronger and leaner. As far as goals go, i just want to be more athletic in general , have more endurance etc.
My golfswing has good form , i just feel like im holding back on speed / could swing a lot faster if my body was used to fast motions.
I tried the complex training that was mentioned in the article and well i was kind of surprised how well it worked on my nervous system. I added about 5 pounds to my bench press instantly and they seemed much easier.
Any opinions on some propriceptive training on my “non” days of? I thought i might add some work here since golf also requires some balance.