[quote]bond james bond wrote:
Vegita wrote:
I play it where it lies in any serious competition. However, my weekly golf league is played on a scubby 9 hole course and you catch some pretty rediculous lies due to the conditioning of the course. Add to that, every other golfer in the league improves thier lie on every shot and I do it because it’s a money league and i’m not going to be putting myself at a competetive disadvantage just for the morals of the game. I would prefer it if no one moved thier ball, but I am a good ballstriker and could get away with bad lies no problem, Most of the guys in the league are hacks and would have a real hard time with many of the lies you get out there.
Putting spin on the ball has little to do with strength and a lot to do with ball contact, angle of attack and the sharpness/depth of your grooves. My wedge grooves are consitantly filled with the cover of the ball I just hit because I hit down on the ball.
If thats your situation I don’t blame you for moving your ball.
Hitting down on the ball…I’m jealous V…That’s like the holy grail of technique for me. Not gonna find it lol.
One good thing about a shitty economy is the reduced green fees. Lots of deals out there to get more people to come out. [/quote]
Haha it’s really not that hard, if you setup properly and swing properly, it happens pretty much on it’s own.
What is bothering me lately is that I am coming to the realization that I am never going to be an elite golfer. I mean that in the way, I am never going to quit my day job and make money playing golf. For a while I thought it was a possibility.
The cold hard fact is that I started too late, live in the wrong climate (can’t play year wrong) and have too many obligations to change the second of those factors. What I have found tough is I am a really good teacher of the game. I have people actively seeking my advice when there are several players who routinely score better than I do.
And when I bring them to the range, withing 10 balls I have them hitting the ball beutifully. Of course the next time I see them they have forgotten everything I told them and have reverted to thier horrible mechanics, but I don’t get paid so I’m not about to start spending every day after work on the range with people for free.
Consequently, I’m a very very very good scramble player. 85% of my shots in a given round are near flawless, it’s the 15% of the shots however that I hit really bad and usually they add at least 4-8 shots per round. For instance, Yesterday at league, 2 swings of the club were what I would call missed shots.
The 2 swings combined added 4 strokes to my score, taking me from a 37 to a 41. 37 is a respectable score, 41 not so much. And so far this year, I have been unable to complete a round without one or two of those bad shots coming into play and really hurting my round. I mean the rest of the holes, it’s down the middle, on the fat part of the green, a run at birdie and a tap in.
So when I play in scramble tourneys, my team usually does quite well, for instance I went 8 for 11 last year in tourneys, with 2 second place finishes to boot. This year has been a little down so far, 2 wins, 2 seconds out of 6 Tourneys, but I guess if I win out my last 2 I can call it another good tournament year.