Getting back on track workout routine

41, weight 314lbs, waist 46", height 5’10"
Bench 315lbs
Squat 405lbs
Dead 450lbs
Overhead press 225lbs
2 mile run 20 mins
Been on TRT 200mg week for 10 weeks
Started at 325lbs, mind you inwqs already doing the weights above before trt, ive just maintained it, but will get stronger
Started taking T4 for 2 weeks now

So ive tuned 41, and i know my body is not the same 20 something that can increase volume or drastically change routines to aee results anymore. If anything, that causes more issues half the time, and a painful transition week when doing so. Some pain is part of the game, i get it, but the no pain/no gains train left the station awhile ago lol

That being said, i do work out, and i like to lift heavy and dont mind running. My knee does not like it right now weighting 314lbs but im trying to gwt down to 260lbs sonits easier to run on. Now that ive been on TRT and now T4, the diet part is actually a lot easier to control. Im a father of 4 and married with a full time job and side buisness, so my plates full for sure life wise.

That being said, id like some recommendations to my current usual workout routine to help make it better.
Current work out routine ive been centered around most days. Id like to build more of an altheltic body. I like to still run and sprint. I have a weighted sled, squat rack, barbells up to 400lbs in my garage gym, and assortments if dumbbells and kettle bells.

1-2 mile run
5x5 strong lift with accesories
Squat 5x5
Bench 5x5
Bent over row 5x5
Dumbbell curls 3x10
Tri extentions 3x10
Planks 2minuts
Hanging leg lift 5x10
Assualt bike 4 to 6 min if theres one at the gym
Stretch 10 mins

1-2 mile run
5x5 strong lift with accessories
Squats 5x5
Overhead press 5x5
Deadlift 5x5
Plank 2 min
Attemping pullups 1 to 5reps to failure
Stretch 10 min

1-2 mile run max effort
5x5 strong lift
Squat 5x5
Bench 5x5
Bent over row 5x5
Db curls 3x10
Tri pull over 3x10
Plank 2 min
Hanging leg lifts 3x10
Stretch 10 minutes

SAT/SUN usually rest, but occasioanlly a suprise workout at golds gym with a buddy of mine, usually juat hitting full body workouts. He likes shoulder workouts lol

Any recommnedations are welcome.

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The only goal you mentioned was losing weight, then you went on to discuss all the things you dont need help with and asked for help with them.

I recommend focusing less on your training and more on your diet. Something you gave exactly 0 details about.

You and I are the same height. At 210, my body feels heavy… like too much more weight and my knees will be very unappreciative.
Realistically, i imagine you’d feel much better closer to 220, but let’s start with 260.

What is your plan to lose another 55lbs?

I suppose i jumped the gun on goals.
So yes my inital goal is to be 260lbs
So losing 50lbs is one byproduct. I agree a ferrari runs better when its not loaded with bags. So 260 is my initial ideal weight as i slim down.

I also want to get my 2mile run down to 17:30 or roughly 9min 1 mile. So also want to be quicker.

Id like to maintain being able to bench 315
Im trying to get my squats to 500lbs
And my deadlift to 600lbs
I want to maintain or increase my strength a bit.

Diet wise, iv been beginning to dial it in more, but i do need to do a better job on macro intake. For now ive focused more on total caloric intake, and staying under 2500cal daily.
According to my BMR calculator:

Waaaaaay too much volume. Are you in shape at your size?

Steak and Eggs until you are

Hold yourself to those macros like your life depends on it.
Do this for 2 weeks and track your weight.

As it’s calculated, you’d be losing 2lbs per week. If you’re losing less than that, your TDEE is lower than the prediction.

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How so with too much volume? I though i was pretty low to begin with using the 5x5 method with some accessory work, and only running 6 miles a week honestly.

Ive been considering cornavore to hit that goal, i just don’t want to hit that “keto” wall when you workout hard.

Once fat adapted “the wall” goes away. Low reps use the phospho-creatine system too, so carbs aren’t really necessary.

But I still use 25 grams of cyclic dextrin pre workout anyway

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I’m going to come out and be the dickhead here:

You seem super focused on the exciting parts of training design and fad diets, and not on the only thing that will actually move you towards your stated goal, which is a sustained and substantial calorie deficit.


I’m pretty impressed with this at your size - nice


I appreciate ypur straight forwardness. I get it, and yes, im focusong more on my caloric intake. That being said, if that was working correctly, at my current weight and 3200 calories a day, i should be losing weight, yet here i am. Thats why im on TRT and T4 now to assist in the “easy” route of losing weight, while its never been easy for me. My body likes to hold on to the weight, and being mildly hypothyroidic, i can run 10 miles a day an ear 1500 cal a day and maybe lose 10lbs in a month, but it again is not suatainable.
Im going to adjust my caloric intake down to about 2500cal, keeping all things somewhat in balance. As shown here.
Ill keep the protien intake, but i think the carb intake is a bit high for my liking. Id bump up the protien to nearly a gram to body weight as most suggest to 300gm, carbs to 200gm, and fat at about 100gm accordingly.

The carnavore diet was just a suggestion. Id rather like to eat carbs though to be able to sustain my eating habit long term. Keto and carnavore are a bit reatrictive for long term.

*Based on a calculator

Wait until you’re down to 1500cals daily and not losing weight.

There is no easy road. There’s a reason why every single fat fuck cries about being fat and complains about how hard it is to lose weight… because it’s fuckin hard.

BMR to TDEE adds ~1,400 calories. Are you really that active?

Let me be the first to tell you that you should not be running at your weight. You will likely never be light enough where it is a good idea to be running distance. I sprint at a club level and even at short distances I am considered heavy at 205 and 6’3”.

Heavy for a distance runner is 150lbs and it skews lower. 200lbs is a figure people joke about on running forums. I strongly strongly recommend you select any other form of cardio as you’ve selected the singular highest impact sport you could.

Listen to me when I say that anyone, absolutely anyone who tells you otherwise is either wildly out of their depth, or they are desperate to make running inclusive. You will I guarantee injure yourself if you try to make running a regular part of your life at your weight, and if your objection is that it’s not natural to live a life where you can’t run I’m sorry to say that’s just life when you’re over 250. There is no such thing as a healthy 250 unless you’re 6’8”, your body just can’t sustain that while performing in standard athletic domains.

Thats probably the first time ive heard anyone say not to run at all because of the weight im at.
While i agree to an degree that im definitely not built to be a long distance runner, and by that definition i saying like 20 miles at a time, 6 miles a week is by far not that long of a diatance broken up 3 times a week. I can jog a mile in 10 minutes comfortably without pain, and go on with my day and Im not wrecked after running 2miles. My best 10 mile run was 1h:40m weighing 260lbs before covid19.

I am literally a runner who actually competes. I am telling you as the closest thing to an expert here, you are wrong to be running at this weight. It is not a matter of opinion or what you think works for you — you will hurt yourself, you will do long term damage. Buy a bike or anything that will spare you the costs on your body. I would be worried if a 20 year old said he was doing this at that weight.

I think if your goal is to drop 50lbs put strength and running goals on the back burner. I’m not saying stop doing them but do you really expect to drop 50lbs and squat more than you are now? They’re not comparable scenarios. Lose the weight, that’s the goal right now.

Ok, so i can set aside the super heavy lifting currently, but weight training is still a major staple of my work out routine, and i dont exclusivly run. I usually like to mix it up with running, some biking, and eliptical to help reduce the impact activities to a certain degree. I also add sprinting and interval training to my workouts too, as well as weighted sled drags.

As for dieting, im going to hone in on 2200-2500cal for the next 2 weeks, and then monitor what changes.
Im going to focus on protein and veggies, while reducing any white starchs/sugar for the time being, such as bread, rice, sugar, and of course alcohol, but follow this BMR calculation. I adjusted the activities to low for the least amount of caloric requirments since it seems to be a bit too generous with moderate activites levels.
2500cal seems to be a bit more in line with what i should strive for.

I’m actually surprised to hear this, as well; it’s pretty common fare that jogging is about as high-impact as one can get.

I tend to say do whatever exercise you like. It’s going to come down to caloric control either way.

I’m not at all. GP is so retarded when it comes to fitness and still stuck in 1970s mindset of you have to run to lose weight. I mean they constantly have 300+ lb contestants running. It’s atrocious.

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