41, weight 314lbs, waist 46", height 5’10"
Bench 315lbs
Squat 405lbs
Dead 450lbs
Overhead press 225lbs
2 mile run 20 mins
Been on TRT 200mg week for 10 weeks
Started at 325lbs, mind you inwqs already doing the weights above before trt, ive just maintained it, but will get stronger
Started taking T4 for 2 weeks now
So ive tuned 41, and i know my body is not the same 20 something that can increase volume or drastically change routines to aee results anymore. If anything, that causes more issues half the time, and a painful transition week when doing so. Some pain is part of the game, i get it, but the no pain/no gains train left the station awhile ago lol
That being said, i do work out, and i like to lift heavy and dont mind running. My knee does not like it right now weighting 314lbs but im trying to gwt down to 260lbs sonits easier to run on. Now that ive been on TRT and now T4, the diet part is actually a lot easier to control. Im a father of 4 and married with a full time job and side buisness, so my plates full for sure life wise.
That being said, id like some recommendations to my current usual workout routine to help make it better.
Current work out routine ive been centered around most days. Id like to build more of an altheltic body. I like to still run and sprint. I have a weighted sled, squat rack, barbells up to 400lbs in my garage gym, and assortments if dumbbells and kettle bells.
1-2 mile run
5x5 strong lift with accesories
Squat 5x5
Bench 5x5
Bent over row 5x5
Dumbbell curls 3x10
Tri extentions 3x10
Planks 2minuts
Hanging leg lift 5x10
Assualt bike 4 to 6 min if theres one at the gym
Stretch 10 mins
1-2 mile run
5x5 strong lift with accessories
Squats 5x5
Overhead press 5x5
Deadlift 5x5
Plank 2 min
Attemping pullups 1 to 5reps to failure
Stretch 10 min
1-2 mile run max effort
5x5 strong lift
Squat 5x5
Bench 5x5
Bent over row 5x5
Db curls 3x10
Tri pull over 3x10
Plank 2 min
Hanging leg lifts 3x10
Stretch 10 minutes
SAT/SUN usually rest, but occasioanlly a suprise workout at golds gym with a buddy of mine, usually juat hitting full body workouts. He likes shoulder workouts lol
Any recommnedations are welcome.