I stopped lifting about 3 months ago. I’ve finally realized school comes first, committed myself all to school and slowly got away from the gym. Then i bought a dirt bike and stopped goin to the gym completely. Now its too cold to ride so i’m gettin back into liftin and soccer season is right around the corner so i need to get into shape for that. It would also be nice to be in better shape for riding when it gets a bit warmer out.
I haven’t really been doing anything in particular lately, i normally just pair up the muscles together and then lift. I don’t have a certain number of sets or reps, i just go heavy and push out 20 reps or more. I just made this routine up and need some advice on it and where it lags and where its good and what needs to be changed, just the usual.
I do work and go to school at the same time along with lifting. I don’t have any certain days to lift on as my work schedule changes regularly and some days i have a lot of homework and some days none. I make sure i lift 3 days a week at a minimum. If i go on extra days they normally consist of lots of stretching, cardio and endurance exercises to help prepare for soccer.
Before i forget, my diet. As of right now it sucks. We’ve been having money issues lately so its hard to get what i need. I still eat healthy for the most part. If i really need calories i eat some hamburger or chicken from work. Its from applebees. I try my best though, plus i’m on adderal which kills any appetite i have so i force food down even when i’m not hungry.
Any advice is appreciated, good or bad. Either way i know what to improve on and what i did good.
Thanks in advance.
Incline db press 4x5-8
Decline dp press 4x5-8
Cable crossovers 3x3
Bent rows 5x5
Seated rows 3x3
Cable overhead tricep extensions 4x5-10
Skull crushers 4x5
Db tricep extensions 3x3
Db press 4x5-8
Upright rows 5x5
Front db raise 4x8
Overhead shrugs 8x8
Curls 3x4
Incline hammer curls 3x3
Cable curls 3x3
Seated calf raise 8x10
BB standing calf raise 5x5
Squats (till done)
Dead lift 4x3
Leg extensions 4x5
Leg curls 4x5
Lunges 5x8
Weighted incline crunch
Side bend
Hanging leg raise
Weight incline twist