I wasn’t really sure of where to post this thread, but figured here’s a good a spot as any. I’m hoping someone on here has some good info on these things.
A bit of history: When I was 19 or so, I broke my right wrist (Scaphoid bone) punching someone out. I needed to get a pin put in my wrist as the break was pretty severe. The recovery from the surgery was not that pleasant, as I was away from the gym for months and when I did come back, I was lifting baby weights for a long time, plus I’ve never been able to get full mobility back in my wrist.
Fast forward some years: I started to have some very unfrequent pain and discomfort in this wrist, usually associated with doing something completely insignificant (e.g. picking up a cup of coffee), as opposed to doing something strenuous such as benching or dead lifting, etc.
I went in for an X-ray to find out what was wrong, to discover I’ve got several of these cysts within the wrist that from time to time, causes my some aggrivation.
Question: Does anyone know how to get rid of them? I heard a rumour that surgeons can now inject the cyst with a needle and suck out the fluid. If so, does anyone have any background on this, or if they’ve had it done, or? I figured if this is true, it’s a less invasive approach that shouldn’t require a huge recovery, or am I wrong?
I’d just hate to go in for another invastive wrist surgey and have a massive lay-off from exercise for a good 6 months, as well as loose more mobility in my wrist, etc.
Anyone know or have any thoughts?