Not posted in a long time but here goes:
Been training roughly how outlined in the ‘Bodybuilding Bible’ thread with heavy influence from Thib’s ‘How to write a damn good programme’ series and sure enough have gained muscle and weight, it seemed to be working damn well. However, I got badly ill for 3-4 days and couldn’t stomach anything, lost some weight and strength… got back into training the same way but have not been able to even get near my previous PRs, especially when deadlifting (shot CNS?) and have consistently felt overworked/under-rested- this correlating with me being home after illness with more food, more sleep and better conditions, which leads me to believe its more then just “eat more”.
Basically I don’t feel like I can push myself in the gym with the current way I’m training for whatever reason, also feel like I’ve lost any “mind muscle” connection I had in terms of getting my muscles to fire quickly, eg. out of the bottom on the bench. What do you guys do in such situations? I just had a week of much less volume then normal and this week I still feel dead.
Deload? Different rep scheme? Try more strength focused rep ranges and avoid the volume till I feel right again? This is probably an annoying thread, but I really don’t know what to do right now and it’s making training a chore rather then enjoyable, mainly because of lack of actual progression in strength. Ask away with anything if you think you could have some ideas, obviously its not the easiest thing to guess at…