Current stats
BW- 150lbs (heaviest 160lbs)
Height- 5’9"
I consider myself skinny and not big I know that. Will have goals up next post.
Squats-Bar x 15, 135x10, 135x3, 225x8, 245x4, 295x1 (with bands), 315x1 (with bands), 315x1, 225x6
Leg Extns- SL 4x10, 5x10, 6x8, 7x8, (Two Legged)10x12
Seated Leg Curls- 4 sets of 8-10 reps
Seated Calf Raises - 45x10, 90x10
Standing Calf Raises- 90x12, 90x12, 90x12
Squats 225x5, 225x5
B- 1 chicken breast, handful of steamed mixed greens, 1 package of noodles
S- 1 PB&J sammich, half green pepper w/ dressing, 5 chicken wings
L- 1.5 meat sammich
PW- Superpump
During- Poweraid
Post- 25 g whey in water
Bed time- Bowl of cottage cheese and all bran cereal
Will to eat double this tomorrow.
Addicted to this song. Plays well with a 10" sub.