To keep it short & simple. Noob of sort’s, been training on & off for nearly 4 years, only the last year seriously.
Need something to keep track of what I do & hold myself accountable, so I thought this would do the trick. Very long time lurker on the website, about time I started posting really.
21yrs old
5ft 7
118kg (26/09/11)
Bf: Too much (Over 20%)
PR’s (All raw, no belt)
Squat: 230kg
Bench: 120kg
Deadlift: 180kg (sumo)
Push press: 112.5kg
Short term: Make visible progress losing fat, get some consistency into my nutrition, maintain strength where possible.
Long term: Abs on show, thats about it.
Today’s session (Legs)
Warm-up: bar x 10, 60kg x 1, 100kg x 9
Sets: 140kg x 3 reps x 6. 30 seconds rest per set
Leg extension: 52kg x 10 reps x 5
Seated leg curl: 59kg x 10 x 5
10 mins stretching/foam rolling