“To look and perform like a superhero”
This log isn’t really for public accountability or to gain support and advice from others (although both would be much appreciated!), it’s mainly to log my workouts in a place that will unlikely be corrupted or lost.
Stats as of 19th September 2011
Age: 19
Weight: 217lbs
Dumbbell Bench: 55kg x 6 or 52.5kg x 10
Dumbbell Military Press: 42.5kg x 8
Weighted Neutral grip chins: Current bodyweight + 30kg x 5
Front Squat: 140kg x 5
Deadlift: 270kg x 1
Current Workout Routine
-Training 5-7 days a week with 3-5 cardio/metabolic work sessions, these range from simple running to heavy kickboxing bag work and sparring sessions
-Training split into chest, back, legs and “everything else” days
-Frequency depends on how that body part feels
Current Diet
Currently following a diet based on simple principles:
-Protein 200g+ everyday
-No particular attention paid to fats (just not going overboard)
-Carbs only in the morning and before a workout
-Carbs limited to 30g-120g a day depending on the workout
-One cheat meal per week, no holds barred on what to eat
I’m two weeks into this style of eating and I’m gaining strength and losing weight, whether this translates to the mythical “burn fat, gain muscle” I don’t know, but I sure as hell like where it’s going. I only use caffeine supplementation (in the form of Monster Lo-carb) before leg day or if I didn’t get enough rest before a workout.
Sample (ideal) food day:
9:00am - 3 pieces of chicken, small amount of homemade bread. 50g of protein, 50g of carbs.
11:00am - [Preworkout] 200ml of milk, water, packet of oats, 2 scoops whey mixed together. 50g of protein, 30g of carbs.
12:00am - WORKOUT - (usually back or chest day warrants 80-100g of carbs)
1:30pm - 2 scoops whey in water. 50g protein. 7g trace carbs.
2:00pm - Chicken breast pieces + salad. 50g protein. 5g trace carbs.
5:00pm - Steak + veg. 50g protein. 5g trace carbs.
9:00pm - 1 scoop whey, 100g fat free greek yoghurt, splash of milk, handful of almonds and walnuts. 30g protein. 10g trace carbs
Marcos total to 280g protein. 107g carbs.
Obviously, I don’t eat in a perfect way like that everyday. Sometimes the meats are switched in with a fattier alternative should I grow tired of chicken, and the breakfast often gets switched around with different foods.
Hopefully I will keep up this log so I can document how far I will get with my weight training.
I’ll throw up a couple pics every now and then.