Funniest DL Ever

Lets all try not to be this guy!



That hast to be the worst deadlift ever! It’s so funny when he starts humping the barbell once he gets it up! Also, notice what once he gets it up he is actually leaning the weight on his toes too.

I feel a bit sorry for him, but at the same time it’s extremely funny.

Wow. I don’t feel bad for him, I feel bad for his back.


thats how you pull…

LOL, what was that, a whole 265lbs!?

It’s a joke video. He deliberately made it look that bad.

I thought it was a joke at first but with sound I realised he was sitting it on his thighs and humping it up - NOT good.

even as a joke, looks like he is on the road to injury

ronnie works out at Helium Gym

at helium gym, everything is


I love it, how did he even figure out when the lift was complete? Annnnnd…lean back, success!

[quote]erinshesse wrote:
I love it, how did he even figure out when the lift was complete? Annnnnd…lean back, success![/quote]

Dude, thats hilarious, I just spit Surge at my monitor.

He was making fun of this guy.

haha I didn’t realise he was SPECIFICALLY making fun of dieselweasel, but reading through the forum, he was in fact doing that


"jsmithKSC (3 months ago)
That’s me. I maxed out between 500lbs and 550lbs when I made that vid. They’re right though: even joking around doing shit like that is dangerous. I never did that again.

Diesel Weasel is now angry that I am more famous than him."