its only crappy cause I hurt my back six weeks ago and haven’t been able to deadlift. Thanks to some ART, acupuncture, and smart training Im back training deadlift. I was worried that I wasn’t going to be able to go heavy for awhile. I last left off at 545 for 3, six weeks ago so im crawling back up there. Hoping to get 600 soon.
you’re right man, that is beyond crap. you’re not worthy unless you get up 10 plates with three fingers.
Previous SET
impressive as shit
You have a lot more in you, that looked too easy go get that 600!
Not exactly sure why you think that is crappy.
Question: Shouldn’t the bar be closer to your shins?
Nice lift man. Good to see a DL Video that doesn’t include hitching and a rounded back.
Sorry I was being sarcastic about the CRAPPY! I was describing in terms of the DAVE TATE shitty, crappy, weight examples.400 is shitty, 500 is crappy, 600 is decent crappy, Remember that?
THanks for the positive responses guys. You never quite know what your gonna get from people
Your right I do have some more in me , but I did hurt my back a little bit ago, so taking it back slow.
Thanks for noticing the straight back.
SHINS? well judging from my scrapes i think there close enough. I think your seeing it from an off center angle and it gives that impression that the bar is further if front of me.
I want to work on a thread were we videos of all of our lifts. I think it would be really motivating to see everyones
dead, chin, bench, squat videos all on one thread!
86 THE STRAPS, but that looks good waht is that 495 for 3??
[quote]MONSTERMATT wrote:
86 THE STRAPS, but that looks good waht is that 495 for 3??[/quote]
Yeah Yeah, I didn’t have any chalk,
but how about Not wearing a belt to I get points for that?
That isnt crappy… did your self esteem need to post it as crap to get some compliments?! lol!
Thats good, 'specially as this is bodybuilding, not strength IMO… although i suspect you are a strength guy mainly? Not that it matters but…
How tall are you bro? Just curious. Class form, great lift.
[quote]Joe Brook wrote:
That isnt crappy… did your self esteem need to post it as crap to get some compliments?! lol!
Thats good, 'specially as this is bodybuilding, not strength IMO… although i suspect you are a strength guy mainly? Not that it matters but…
Its just that old west side analogy, shitty, crappy, decent deadlift numbers.
im 5’8" 215lbs.
I would consider myself more of a bodybuilder, but probably LOOK more like a strength guy.
Great form and weight. Keep it up. Is the deadlift your best lift in comparison to your other lifts?
Super big chap, Great lift…
Why don’t you get a job moving cars ?
[quote]RockmanX88 wrote:
Great form and weight. Keep it up. Is the deadlift your best lift in comparison to your other lifts?[/quote]
hmm, probably, but my other lifts are decently in proportion.
hey man could you include more info about your injury and how you overcame it…i hurt my back deadlifting too, and im tryingto rehab it now to get back into it as well
[quote]GrindOverMatter wrote:
hey man could you include more info about your injury and how you overcame it…i hurt my back deadlifting too, and im tryingto rehab it now to get back into it as well[/quote]
MOST IMPORTANT< dont deadlift! its OK, I did this only after two deadlift sessions.
FIRST THING< REHAB< spend money like your spending money at Biotest.
Get deep chinese acupuncture, with multiple points up and down the lower and bid back, MY GUY uses the largest gauge needle he has, leaves them in for twenty minutes, then comes in stimulates them TURNS THEM, then Takes them out and punctures me with a release in each quadrant. THIS IS THE BEST OF IT ALL OPENS UP ALOTT OF BLOCKAGES.
TWo days later with all my meridians open I go get ART, make sure to see a LEVEL III instructor have a willingness to travel to the very best ART provider.
make sure he releases your PSOAS,and adductor. then does your lowerback, and does decompression on it as well.
wait three days and get a deep tissue massage from the largest strongest person you can find that is qualified. Make sure they know how to open your lowerback, hip rotators, midback, and IT BAND.
REST FOUR DAYS and stretch alott just upper body, some single leg movements and light stuff can be done.
make sure you stretch your psoas, hip rotators, and adductors everyday. make sure your hams aren’t to tight either.
after two cycles begin to increase the effort in the gym harder one legged db sqats , maybe leg press, tri sets etc,
two weeks of that, if any pain go back to which rehab felt the best, for me its acupuncture, but I have a great yoda type chinese guy.
let me know if you have any other questions.
when you back feels better start deadlifting after about four weeks of rehab start with higher reps, one and a half movements etc. each six days build back up again, any slight pain attack it with the appropriate rehab choice till there is no pain.
how serious was your injury? and to which part of the back was it too?
today i worked up to my first 3 rep max on a box squat, i had some left in the tank but my form was going and my back was hurting afterwords…i dont think my injury is very severe, it felt like it was going away last week but all of a sudden came back this week. all it is some soreness/stiffness in the lumber region, right side, i shall look into some of the things you did to rehab though
Kinda OT, wouldn’t this sort of therapy (or bits of it) be useful from an injury-prevention standpoint? My deadlift isn’t high enough to damage my back yet, but would be nice to do something to alleviate some of the potential for damage beforehand.
FWIW, I also heard good things about rolfing massage and back bridges done periodically.
And I;m surprised youre not using a lifting belt deading this close to your injury.