Frustrated, Can't Lose the Love Handles

Hey Guys,

been on TRT for about 2 years now and finally have got all my numbers in good ranges for the last 6 months. T is 850-900 and Estridiol is around 25 for the last few blood tests. Ive been eating clean the last few months and have leaned out every where but on my love handles or lower back to be more detailed. its odd that I can see all my abs but can not loose this area. currently my macros are 200 protein, 240 carbs, 70 fat. Im 40 years old, 210# and hover between 13-14% body fat. current workout is 5 days a week with heavy weight training and cardio is a range of Crossfit workouts or HIIT.

thanks for any help or pointers.

How tall are you?

Not sure how you’re measuring bodyfat, but at that range, love handles aren’t uncommon at all. They can sometimes be the last to go until you drop more fat.

At your current calorie intake (about 2400), you have room to drop some to spur more fat loss, especially since you’ve only been eating clean for a few months. Crack down a bit and you should see results. Easiest way would be to drop either the carbs or fats for a while.

A little more detail about the training could also help, as " 5 days a week with heavy weight training and cardio is a range of Crossfit workouts or HIIT" isn’t very particular.

How many days of lifting? What kind of split?

How many days of cardio? What’s the intensity and duration?

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Also, remember that even when you get everything in order, people lose fat in a very individualized order. Usually the first place you put on fat initially is the last place you’ll lose it from when you finally lean out.


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