As it was said, if your goal is double bodyweight rather than a specific number you need to stay light. Which means that you should stick to neurological based training.
I also agree to set up gradual goals. You are doing 175 for 3 sets of 5 which puts your max at around 215-220lbs.
Here’s an approach I would recommend.
DAY 1 STRENGTH-SKILL (practicing being efficient at the front squat with fairly heavy, but not draining, weights)
Week 1: 8 x 2 @ 165
Week 2: 8 x 3 @ 165
Week 3: 8 x 2 @ 170
Week 4: 8 x 3 @ 170
Week 5: 8 x 2 @ 175
Week 6: 8 x 3 @ 175
Week 7: 8 x 2 @ 180
Week 8: 8 x 3 @ 180
Week 9: 8 x 2 @ 185
Week 10: 8 x 3 @ 185
Week 11: 8 x 2 @ 190
Week 12: 8 x 3 @ 190
DELOAD ONE WEEK WITH 5 X 1 @ 180 and start cycle over from 185
DAY 2 - NEUROLOGICAL CARRYOVER TRAINING (here you get used to handling the weight iof your next immediate goal)
*In a power rack, start the bar from pins. Reset the bar on pins on every rep, do not bounce.
Weeks 1, 2 & 3 = Quarter front squat (around 120 deg knee angle) … 245lbs x maximum reps you can. Focus on maintaining perfect posture… do 3 sets
Weeks 4, 5 & 6 = Around 100 degrees knee angle … 245lbs x maximum reps… do 3 sets
Weeks 7, 8 & 9 = Around 90 deg knee angle … 245lbs x maximum reps… do 3 sets
Weeks 10, 11 & 12 = Parallel … 245lbs x maximum reps… do 3 sets
Then start a new cycle from the top… if you got 0-1 rep with 245 from 90 deg use 250 for your next cycle ; if you did 2-4 reps use 255 ; if you did more than 4 reps use 260.
DAY 3 - POSTURAL STRENGTH (here you build rigidity in your body to avoid losing strength during heavy lifts)
Weeks 1&2: 185lbs x 6 sets of 1 rep going down in 6 seconds focusing on keeping body rigid and upright
Weeks 3&4: 185lbs x 6 sets of 1 rep holding a 4 seconds pause at the 90 deg. knee angle during the lowering phase (after the pause you continue going down and then stand up)
Weeks 5&6: 185lbs x 6 sets of 1 rep holding a 4 seconds pause at the 90 deg. angle during the standing up phase
Weeks 7&8: 195lbs x 6 sets of 1 rep going down in 6 seconds focusing on keeping body rigid and upright
Weeks 9&10: 195lbs x 6 sets of 1 rep holding a 4 seconds pause at the 90 deg. knee angle during the lowering phase (after the pause you continue going down and then stand up)
Weeks 11&12: 195lbs x 6 sets of 1 rep holding a 4 seconds pause at the 90 deg. angle during the standing up phase
Then deload for a week by doing 6 sets of 1 regular rep with 195 and start a new cycle with 200lbs.