I can manage the 34s for 2 but still cannot quite do the 38s.
What did I just see ? What is the purpose of this lift ? Where does it fit into your training program, what goal are you using this to achieve ?
if I can clean it ,it will allow me to press and /or push press heavier weights.
it’s a fun lift for me atm . I do a lot of overhead dB pressing. I am hoping to hit 100kg by the end of the year ( granted with a barbell though).
I can train greater rom with the dB clean and press as my rack position with a barbell is non existent.
Understand wanting to press bigger weights and I am one of the last people to talk about form, but if it was me I would focus on building shoulder strength with strict Dumbell shoulder press with a lighter weight and more reps. For heavier push press I would use a barbell or axle out of the rack. Doing it the way you were doing it is using so much energy to simply get the dumbells into position you are limiting your ability to press them.
If your goal is to hit a 100kg press with the barbell, practice pressing with the barbell… Keep the goal the goal. Messing around with all this “fun stuff” that has little to do with your main goal is just a distraction limiting your chance of success.
You’d be better off showing us why your rack position with a barbell is “non-existant”. If I was in your position where I couldn’t get into a rack position i’d probably be experimenting with pressing off pins at a range of motion that feels comfortable whilst also trying to work on improving mobility. If it’s a mobility thing that can’t be fixed then maybe the goal needs to change slightly.
Thanks for the comments. I do lighter work as well. I was getting nowhere barbell pressing alone. The dumbbells allowed me to reliably progress.
I can 30kg X 12 32 x7kg ATM . it was a little higher last year.
I like the idea of press from the pins while working on mobility but at what height what weight.
I’m guessing I could press 90-95 kg for a single from about throat height. should I place it higher and press more or reduce the weight.
I want to press bw at 100kg and go from there.
Thanks I have been looking at those type of things. I think you have to lift the pin up with the dumbbell though.
You can get ones that go into the pins on the rack too.
I was wondering is the weight just too heavy for me or is my technique lacking. It seems to fall apart a bit at limit weights?
Set it at a height where you allow yourself to have the most range of motion where it still feels comfortable. Unless training a specific portion of the lift then otherwise you should aim for as much range of motion as you can.
As far as the weight is concerned, that depends on the programming. Just follow any progression model used for big lifts that excites you. This could be double progression, this could be some sort of 5/3/1, a powerlifting peaking type program or anything in between. My recommendation would just be to do a reputable program and give the whole body equal focus. Where the program says “Overhead Press or Vertical Press” just do it off the pins. If there’s two different vertical press slots in the week, possibly do one session lower reps, one session higher reps. Don’t complicate things with all this other stuff you’re trying to introduce.
Overhead Press from Rack, throat level, approx 90kg max.
Set 1. Warm up. 40-45kg x 10 reps
Set 2. Prep set. 60-65kg x 7 reps
Work Sets. 80 kg x 5 reps x 4 sets
Increase weight on sets of 5 when they get easy.
After that, try the 1 arm DB clean and press. With just 1 DB it should be easier to get the DB up in the clean. Try to get the 1 Arm DB Clean and Press above 45kg!
On a second day, try seated Partial Presses in the Power Rack. Press from eyebrow or hairline height. After a warmup try a heavy weight for 5-7 singles. Add weight when you can do them comfortably. Aim to lift more than you could in a full press.
Chec k out some old articles by Anthony Ditillo for more info.
many thanks I will give the articles a read . I read the first one .
No problem! I hope you find something useful in there.
I was thinking something like this. There are other brands.
thanks I will look into it. I’m putting up a shed soon…So I will get a power rack at some point.
Is this one set of 12 at 30KG or 1 set of 7 with 32KG ? Are you cleaning every rep ?
If you prefer this movement then just do some more volume at a slightly lighter weight.
If you can dot one set of 12 at 30KG. Work on getting 3 sets of 10. When you can achieve this get 3 sets of 11, then 12.
When you get 3 sets of 12, move to the 32.5KG dumbells and get 3 sets of 8, then 9, then 10 etc etc.
You get the idea. Simple repetition double progression method will work really well for building strength.
It’s hard to give advice when we dont know what the rest of your program looks like.
The form is really making me nervous. Especially since you are muscling the weight up and not really absorbing the catch at all (as you would traditionally see of an olympic lifter even on a power clean.) You catch it with your back hyperextended, which could spell disaster for your facet joints sooner than later. I mean you almost fall backwards in that first video. These are barely more than a super cheated hammer curl.
Right now, it looks like an ego lift if I’m being honest, and even on your lighter set you never seem in control of the weights. I think it’s worth practicing with half the weight or even less and doing several sets of 3 just to groove and learn the pattern.
Set the rack at the gym for the barbell overhead press about throat height . I am quite tired from work but other than sun Mon I always will be .
hit 40 X 5 tight left shoulder but warmed up ok.
40 X 5
50 X 1
60 X 1
80 X 1 fairly comfortable
92.5 could barely move it
90 fail got about 3/4 wore a belt through all sets
60 X 5
60 X 6
60 X5 or 6
80 X 2 pb never repped 80 before
70 X 1 kg
I am definitely fitter as used no wrist wraps no real pressure on wrists .
On slight deficit 2500 cals .
quite fatigued after walking cages and picking bags and parcels.
I will post a few videos. I felt I was leaning back. bit and to begin with pressing straight up rather than in arc back
Man, you gotta get on a proper program and stop with this experimental stuff. Failing two “max” lifts on a variation you’ve never done before is just asking for trouble, even more so whilst in a deficit. Low reps help you express the strength but higher reps build it.
I’ve followed your log a little bit, I know how hard you’re working on the diet and how consistant you are. You also seem like a really, really top guy… so please… do yourself a favour and find a proper program to follow. There’s actually a good chance your goal gets further away from you as you lose weight which could lead to you pushing too hard and doing yourself some serious damage. I mentioned earlier about keeping the goal the goal, right now your goal should be to get all that extra weight off and take any extra reps as they come in a more reasonable range (5-12 for example). There will be a time to push up new maxes, right now isn’t it.