Form Check

Form Check

Your form looks good. You are definitely using your ass and hamstrings hahaha, no quad dominance here. You are basically getting to exactly parallel, and maybe even a little bit high on a few of the reps, so just make sure you are careful to hit depth every rep. Also, you are very cautious in your descent, even on the lighter reps. especially on the first of every set, you come down really slow. Obviously, you want to control the heavy weights, but you also want to have speed on the way down in order to be able to rip the weight back up. Work to try and find a good in-between, where you move the bar quicker, but just with just as much control. Other than that, they look good… only other thing I would comment on is the weight of those walkouts. I feel like if you are squatting 325 for 3, those walkouts should be a little heavier? I honestly can’t say much, I don’t know much about walkouts, but I feel like the benefits of doing them are based on them being WAY heavier than you can squat? Just wondering.

Overall nice work man. Keep working.