Football Dreams...

Hi, i just turned 18, i’m from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Canada. Ever since highschool i’ve been told to play wide receiever, but i focused on basketball too much to want to play football, but i’ve always been a good wide receiver. Even playing pickup tackle football games i’ve been a good wide out against DB’s that play for Hilltops (city team) in those games. People still to this day are always saying “man u should’ve played football, your fast, strong, big, and great hands and just smart for getting the ball… you should’ve played.” and now… i’m feelin stupid cuz i wish i would’ve played. I know i could’ve went somewhere if i played… just the hard work ethic i have… my work ethic resembles Terrell Owens to be honest. Are my days of ever playing football somewhere done?

Are your days done? How can we here answer that question for you? It all depends on you and your drive and how bad you want it. As far as logistics…No, there’s still time to get into a college team and play, it won’t be DIV 1 or anything, but all you need is a place to start. There are also “walk on” opportunities and the like. So get out and go for it.

If you are only 18 it is not too late to start. Are you interesed in going to college, or just playing football for fun. If you just want to play try joining a city or rec league. If you are also interesed in college you might talk to some smaller d2, d3, and naia schools. They often need more people to practice. If you do this don’t be discouraged when have to start at the bottom. That means holding a bag against someone who has earned their spot and taking some licks in the process.

Just curious as to what kind of training are you doing to get ready for your new football career.

[quote]mattydimes wrote:
Hi, i just turned 18, i’m from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Canada. Ever since highschool i’ve been told to play wide receiever, but i focused on basketball too much to want to play football, but i’ve always been a good wide receiver. Even playing pickup tackle football games i’ve been a good wide out against DB’s that play for Hilltops (city team) in those games. People still to this day are always saying “man u should’ve played football, your fast, strong, big, and great hands and just smart for getting the ball… you should’ve played.” and now… i’m feelin stupid cuz i wish i would’ve played. I know i could’ve went somewhere if i played… just the hard work ethic i have… my work ethic resembles Terrell Owens to be honest. Are my days of ever playing football somewhere done?

Why, if your work ethic is so amazing, did you not make it in basketball? Just curious. Come stateside and go to a D2 school or tryout for some rinky-dink semi-pro team. If you have any natural ability (speed, strength, height, hands) a semi-pro team would probably take you in, especially a crappy one.

man go play some junior football, play for the hilltoppers or if you can’t make it there you can always come to Calgary and play for the colts…they’ll accept anyone :D…i can make this joke cuz I live in Calgary

people say that kind of stuff a lot but people have no freakin’ idea what they are talking about. If your serious about this then do like people are saying and walk on a an American univeristy or try out for an arena team in the US. If you do this you better be committed because you will be tested and failure means getting broken.

If your just playing with the idea then don’t even think about actually trying. Find some rec league to play with or try rugby (still a ver tough sport) or something.