oh and when you are sore as all get out, walk down stairs backwards, and read the article about shin splints in the other subject line…
contrasting showers works, either that or its an amazing physcological trick you play on yourself…
take naps during the day, but no more then 2 naps for 30 minutes, and im serious, anymore then that and you’ll feel sluggish thruout the day and interrupt your sleep at night, make sure you set your alarm and dont sleep past the 30 minutes
get into a pool and stretch, you will not beleive the beniefits to your recovery that it will provide…
stay lifting,i know it sounds crazy between 2 a days and probably runs in the morning, but atleast get in an hour a day for 5 days, although chage your lifting style to that of maintenance (3x10, whole body, its ok to go easy on the lower body)
stay mentally focused man, you cant really increase your speed now, dont let a bad 40 yard time test fuck with your mind during camp, sophmore year i was running 4.7 all summer, i show up for camp on a hot day with a sore hamstring and run two 4.9s in a row, before i pushed myself too hard and pulled my hamstring on my last sprint, dont make that mistake
dont compare yourself to anybody else, you know what you are capable of, if your doing 5 reps at 225 and the all-state linebacker next to you is cranking out 20, dont let that discourage you
and finally, take everything the coaches say as advice, dont let them yelling at you discourage, cuz thats not what it is designed to do, and make sure that above all you really have fun
any questions, ask me! i’ve gone thru 4 camps worth of 3 a days and morining runs (im not kidding) and im going to be doing it D1 style next season, so im doing the whole getting ready thing
best of luck bro