Foot Pain With High Rep Squats

We’re currently doing the 20 rep squats and have 1 lifter that is experiencing pain in the arch of the foot. There was no pain last month when we were doing lower rep work. It sounds like plantar faceitis to me. Wide stance, full depth.

Anyone ever experience this problem? Suggestions??


[quote]TNT-CDN wrote:
We’re currently doing the 20 rep squats and have 1 lifter that is experiencing pain in the arch of the foot. There was no pain last month when we were doing lower rep work. It sounds like plantar faceitis to me. Wide stance, full depth.

Anyone ever experience this problem? Suggestions??


might be crunching (“curling”) his toes alot during the set?

could be shifting to his toes a bit and really firing the plantar flexors (isometrically)?


I have a lot of experience with high-rep squats, and I’ve gotten foot pain during them. My suggestion would be to try changing the lifter’s shoes and/or his stance. If he’s using soft-soled shoes, he’s not doing himself any favors. However, I think the pain may just come with the territory. If you have a heavy weight on your back for 2 or more minutes, it’s going to cause some discomfort.

I still occasionally get foot pain during squats. I most recently had some pain in the arch of my right foot, so I just sucked it up and then took my shoes off after I finished the set to relieve it a little. Next workout, I didn’t have a problem.

Solved the problem and thanks for the tips.
We did 3 things.

  1. soft tissue work on the arch with a tennis ball

  2. foam rolled the hammies (apparently there is a hamstring - plantar facia connection)

  3. put a 1/2" block under the heel.

Unfortunately we now don’t know which of the 3 things did the trick. Bad science project.

Her shoes don’t have much of a heel. They look like they would be good for DL but shit for squats.