For any fighter that fights barefoot (MMA or other martial arts), what are you thoughts on trying something to increase the grip on the bottom of your feet? Something like this: of pine tar…?
grip on the foot can be a good thing or a bad thing. if i am in the clinch and i need the grip to use my legstrength to defend the takedown it is indeed a good thing.
When i throw a combination which consists of 2 quick kicks i like it a bit slippery. You can spin faster on your frontfoot especially if you throw a leg kick → high kick with the same foot.
I never had problems with grip in a fight. In training maybe …
And if you step on a sweaty spot where you rolled before, no grip tool in the world will help you.
I think fighting is one of the last sports where you need no tools , no equipment and no supplements. You can become a world champion with dedication and simple training.
In my mind you dont need a grip tool.
i hope you understad my shitty english.
[quote]dnbjoe wrote:
I think fighting is one of the last sports where you need no tools , no equipment and no supplements. You can become a world champion with dedication and simple training.
In my mind you dont need a grip tool.
i hope you understad my shitty english. [/quote]
well put…I agree 100%
[quote]dnbjoe wrote:
grip on the foot can be a good thing or a bad thing. if i am in the clinch and i need the grip to use my legstrength to defend the takedown it is indeed a good thing.
When i throw a combination which consists of 2 quick kicks i like it a bit slippery. You can spin faster on your frontfoot especially if you throw a leg kick → high kick with the same foot.
I never had problems with grip in a fight. In training maybe …
And if you step on a sweaty spot where you rolled before, no grip tool in the world will help you.
I think fighting is one of the last sports where you need no tools , no equipment and no supplements. You can become a world champion with dedication and simple training.
In my mind you dont need a grip tool.
i hope you understad my shitty english. [/quote]
I understand perfectly. I am/was a wrestler, so I really miss my wrestling shoes when i train MMA so I was thinking of using something sticky on my feet bottoms. I see your point(s) about it being beneficial in some situations and not in others. Yes for kicking, and punching to a lesser extent, you want to be able to pivot. Maybe I need to focus on the muscles in my feet more so than the actual surface. In the meantime, I might give something like this product a go.
You really wouldn’t want to use tacky like that. I use that for stone loading and it is very very sticky. the elite tacky needs to be in the sun for it to even be able to be spread. It takes a lot of work to even get it off your hands. Something like stick um spray would work a little better but I don’t think you would want to use that either. I think both would ruin a mat/ring
You really wouldn’t want to use tacky like that. I use that for stone loading and it is very very sticky. the elite tacky needs to be in the sun for it to even be able to be spread. It takes a lot of work to even get it off your hands. Something like stick um spray would work a little better but I don’t think you would want to use that either. I think both would ruin a mat/ring
[quote]Kalle wrote:
You really wouldn’t want to use tacky like that. I use that for stone loading and it is very very sticky. the elite tacky needs to be in the sun for it to even be able to be spread. It takes a lot of work to even get it off your hands. Something like stick um spray would work a little better but I don’t think you would want to use that either. I think both would ruin a mat/ring[/quote]
Thanks for your input. Stick um spray is where I got the idea because I used to tape my ankle in wrestling and a little extra would get on my foot bottom/sides, so i would be able to feel my feet gripping the mat. It sounds like elite tacky is sort of like pine sap? Yeah that would probably be bad for a mat, but stick um isn’t that bad really.
you should check with your school/teacher/coach,
cause it might be rude to use any thing like that on someones matt’s
Im sure in most competitions you would not be allowed to use anything.
when I made the switch from wrestling to Judo and bjj- callouses helped
you could bring a towel and dry yourself off on breaks, which you kinda should be doing anyway.
Sounds funny, but for the type of surface you will be on(cage/ring canvas or textured nylon), a quick swipe on the soles of your feet with a damp towel helps give a little grip. Later in the fight when you step in a puddle of sweat it won’t help, but initially you should see a little difference. Enough for grip, but not so much that you can’t pivot/move well.
I think anything topical is going to be illegal in competition. You can overwrap your ankle/foot to the ball of your foot for extra traction. Some claim its useful for shooting, but I never noticed a difference personally.
[quote]BulletproofTiger wrote:
Kalle wrote:
You really wouldn’t want to use tacky like that. I use that for stone loading and it is very very sticky. the elite tacky needs to be in the sun for it to even be able to be spread. It takes a lot of work to even get it off your hands. Something like stick um spray would work a little better but I don’t think you would want to use that either. I think both would ruin a mat/ring
Thanks for your input. Stick um spray is where I got the idea because I used to tape my ankle in wrestling and a little extra would get on my foot bottom/sides, so i would be able to feel my feet gripping the mat. It sounds like elite tacky is sort of like pine sap? Yeah that would probably be bad for a mat, but stick um isn’t that bad really.[/quote]
It is like extra thick sticky pine sap. The elite tacky if it is to cold it is solid and won’t even spread. Best tacky for stones though!
I don’t know if I’d use something like that…I hate the canvas covering type mats, I’ve had the worst luck on those in terms of traction. God forbid they put any kind of cheap logo or ad on there.
I don’t think anything like that would be legal in competition. And I wouldn’t recommend using it during training, cause you wanna get used to the grip. Use a bit of water. Callouses do help, but I don’t have any specific strategy to help form them lol.