Following CT's Advice for Fat Loss


I designed a fat loss nutrition plan following Christian Thibaudeau’s recommendations in his nutrition for newbies articles. I’m 16 years old, I weight about 175 pounds and my height is about 5’9". Being the kind of person that gets fat easily, I decided to use a low carb diet. I’m aiming 2000 calories a day, 2500 being how many calories I would normally need. So here’s my plan:

Breakfast : 3 whole baked eggs

Snack 1: 2 slices of cheese

Lunch: 280 grams of chicken with 1 cup of raw broccoli

Snack 2: 2 slices of cheese

Dinner: 300 grams of turkey with 1 cup of cooked broccoli

Snack 3: 170 grams of canned tuna

This diet fulfills my carb/fats/proteins recommandations. I wanted someone to tell me if I could improve this diet in any way, or if I did something wrong.

Also, I wondered if eating only 2000 calories per day would slow my metabolism down and give me the yo-yo effect, because that’s something I don’t want to get. I’m aiming a loss of 1 or 2 pounds of fat per week, is this too much?

Thank you very much.

PS: Sorry for my writing skills.

Edit: Forgot to mention, I used to count my calories and everything else, if it can help…

What are baked eggs and you are cutting at 175 lbs?

Cooked would be more appropriated probably, my fault.

For the cutting and 175 lbs, yes. I’ve got some fat on and if I lost some weight I would look definitly better.

What about Pre/peri/post workout nutrition?

I’m not sure what marcro breakdown you are trying to achieve, but you look to be too low on carbs (almost 0) and fat depending on the cheese. The tuna and eggs look like your only real fat source. I’m thinking at least add some Flameout and maybe some fruit in the morning.

If you can maintain energy and intensity eating like that, more power to you.

Add more veggies and fiber and and a greater variety of fat sources. Omega 6 and 3s. fish oil or fat, olive oil, flax seed, and avocado are good.

In general, the slower the loss the less “slowdown”, and more frequent refeeds/diet breaks can also help w/the process. But less mass always means lower maintenance=slower metabolism and any diet by definition is going to result in lose of body mass and in turn a lower maintenance. Add more muscle, metabolic rate is higher and problem solved and you can eat more again!

too much for what? Regardless, at 2k calories you probably won’t lose this much weight unless your maintenance or activity is very high.

You might want to provide bodyweight, height, bf, and other details.

Also that does not look like 2k calories. What macros are you aiming for?

Well, like Thib has mentionned in his article, the best for me would be to keep the carb under 10% of the energetic nutrients. I get about 25 grams of carbs through the broccoli and the cheese. I also get more than a 100 grams of fat through almost everything else. Actually, I had to limit them because I didn’t get enough proteins, I’ve got to eat 260 grams of them per day in order to get 1,5 grams per pound of body weigh.

For post work-out, I usually drink a protein shake with a fruit or something.

Actionjeff → Well, I mentionned I was 16 years old, my weight is 175 pounds and my height is 5’9", I do not know what else I could add. Otherwise, even if I lift weights, won’t cutting 500 calories be enough? How many calories should I cut?

Can you post a picture? Do you know your level of bodyfat?

175 @ 5’9 does not sound fat at all.

Well, I’m not fat, but I’ve got too much of it. Some over the abs and on the sides, what you would call love handles.

My level of body fat would probably be around 15%, maybe a little more.

you’ll regret cutting

Why? Am I doing the wrong thing?

[quote]Annihilator wrote:
Why? Am I doing the wrong thing?[/quote]

Most of the posters are inferring that at your size, you might want to bulk up (gain muscle) before you cut (lose fat.)

It might be a good idea to post a picture of yourself so we have a better idea of what you should be doing.

If I want to bulk up, what weight should I aim before I start to cut?

dude dont cut now, youre only 175 if you cut now you’ll prolly be like 135-40

dont cut but clean your diet up and you’ll lose fat

try one of the other nutrition plans on here before cutting

Ok, could you give me an example of those nutrition plans please? There are many I don’t know what to pick.

[quote]Annihilator wrote:
Ok, could you give me an example of those nutrition plans please? There are many I don’t know what to pick.[/quote]

there’s a really good one, read over it

i can prolly answer questions you have about it

Thanks, that seems like a good article, it fits my actual goals.

I read the whole thing, this is good advice, but he did not discuss the % of proteins, fats and carbs, or am I overanalyzing this?

Also, do you think that eating healthily and lifting heavy will get me more athletic and make my fat % go down? Or maybe should I start gaining mass like described in the article, then cut?

[quote]Annihilator wrote:
Thanks, that seems like a good article, it fits my actual goals.[/quote]

yeah man, anytime

According to your profile you have less than 1 year of training so you still have plenty of newbie gains ahead of you.

In my opinion no need to do a specific cut diet right now. Eat plenty of quality foods and keep lifting. You’ll gain muscle and lose fat. Once the newbie gains stop then you can see where your at and, if need be, consider cutting.