[quote]theBird wrote:
[quote]SSC wrote:
[quote]DarrylLicke wrote:
[quote]SSC wrote:
I foam roll my hammies just like any other goddamn muscle group. With a foam roller.
And I only specifically quoted YOUR post because my hamstrings had a cornucopia of tightnes and restrictive issues, until I used a simple white foam roller to dispel it. What would make you possibly think you need a piece of PVC to do so?
So, you’re wrong.
And you’re still a douche. I shouldn’t have to explain that.[/quote]
because foam breaks down whereas pvc does not retaining it’s rigidity. That’s why previous posters talked about denser foam…to stave off the breaking down and softening, and the lessening effectiveness, of the foam.
So while your hamstrings had large amounts of tightness the foam rolling was probably appropriate at the time. Denser foam, and going even further with pvc, would enhance the effects of rolling.[/quote]
I know that, I get that. Insinuating that PVC is going reap results far beyond other foam rollers is what I took issue with, mostly.
It’s mostly the whole “leaving a signature like I couldn’t see your handle an inch above” thing, and going around the site dolling out advice without any kind of pictures.
Check out the rate my physique section if you want to see my pics.
DarrylLicke explained the differences between the different types of rigidity of foam rollers very well.
This is making me wonder what does everyone else do to foam roll their hamstrings? I find that the normal softer foam roller does not do much at all for my hamstrings, and I have some tight hammies! My soft tissue therapist does a good job with them, but I can only afford to visit him once a month or so.
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Perhaps my hammie issues aren’t even as severe as I thought. They had some serious issues at one point, but foam rolling them only as often as every leg day with a white (or sometimes with a black at the gym) has been fine.
Again, who knows how much others’ issues are than mine.