Flexibility Help

If anyone could help me with getting the butterfly down. My hips are pretty unflexable and i am doing jujitsu i need help opening of my hips. It is more so the groin inside hips. Thanks

Watch The Daily Show every night at 11pm and sit on the floor and stretch the whole time.

Hold one position during an entire segment, shake loose during commercials and switch for the next segment. Don’t go hard, just relax and ease into a deeper and deeper stretch. 5-8 minutes is a long time.

That’s my highly scientific approach. I’m pretty close to being able to put knees to the floor in the butterfly stretch, so it’s working.

keep working on your static streches along the week, specially the muscles that are tight

thanks guys. i have another question though would you guys think lifting would affect this in any way?

nope, at least not in my experience. Static stretch before or after training sessions (lifting or BJJ) when you’re warm.

Foam Rolling of your adductors and mobility drills of your adductors before activity will help wonders for increasing mobility during the activity. I generally, but not always, reserve static stretching for longer periods after workouts or at other points during the day.

Check out this link. About 5-6 responses down is a video of a great adductor mobility drill: Forums - T Nation - The World's Trusted Community for Elite Fitness

I agree with LevelHeaded, but the more you actually stretch, you more you’ll improve, jtrinsey’s idea is a fun way to stretch a lot without possibly getting bored.(make sure you’re properly warmed up, and maybe done some mobility work as well)

The key is consistency and volume though. Doing a couple 20-second stretches or 10 reps of a mobility drill 2x a week isn’t going to do anything.

[quote]jtrinsey wrote:
Watch The Daily Show every night at 11pm and sit on the floor and stretch the whole time.

Hold one position during an entire segment, shake loose during commercials and switch for the next segment. Don’t go hard, just relax and ease into a deeper and deeper stretch. 5-8 minutes is a long time.

That’s my highly scientific approach. I’m pretty close to being able to put knees to the floor in the butterfly stretch, so it’s working.[/quote]

good idea, here.