I already posted this in another forum, but it has only had 20 views, so I figure I’d post it here…
There are several problems with me, that I’d like to fix, but I’ve been having no luck.
These are:
1.) Over pronation/flexible flat foot in my left foot
2.) Snapping knees
3.) Snapping hip syndrome
1.) I’ve been having this problem for about a year, but that is just a guess. I don’t get any pain. When I’m relaxed my ankle folds inwards, but I’m able to keep it all in the proper position when I focus on it. It’s kind of hard to explain, but I have a ROM that allows me to hold everything where I want it to be, unless I relax. I don’t have any of this ROM in my other foot (which has no problems).
I don’t really know what first caused this problem. It could possibly have been caused by rapid weight gain when I first started lifting weights (20-25 lbs in a couple of months), followed by the impact of sprinting in my sport. It may have also been caused by improper footwear. I threw out an old pair of my shoes when I realized the slanted inwards. I also notice after skating my foot seems extremely flat for a few hours after taking off my skates.
Since this is the only one of my problems that happens on a specific side, I’ll point out some of my imbalances.
My left hamstring is stronger than my right
My right quad + glute are stronger than my left
When I lie down on my back, my left leg externally rotates more than my right (approx. 50deg in my left and 20deg in my right)
2.) I first started getting this problem about a month after I started working out (squating, deadlifts, etc.). That was about 1.5 years ago. The problem got worse for the first couple of months, but has stayed constant since then. There is no pain involved. Sometimes my knees are fine, but then all of a sudden they’ll start clicking everytime I extend my leg at the knee. It will stay like this until: a) a loud pop occurs and it goes back to normal, or b) I warm up and it loosens up.
Yesterday, when the problem was going on in both of my knees, I decided to do a few tests to figure out what the root of the problem was:
Glute Medius rolling + IT Band static stretching … no success
Quad Rolling + static stretching … no success
Hip flexor static stretching … no success
Glute activation … no success
Dynamic calf stretching … improved a little, but I believe due to warming up
Hamstring static stretching + rolling … became worse
I then tryed 20 reps of the following movements: leg curling (problem increased), leg extensions (problem increased), Hip flexion (no impact).
Some of these tests might seem ridiculous, but I was making it up as I went. My guess is I have some sort of tracking issue. I hear about this problem all the time, but I’ve never read of any solutions to fixing it.
3.) This one is pretty simple. I figure this might be caused by the same thing as my knee problem. I get the snapping whenever I raise my leg to a certain height. It mostly occurs with left to right movements (ex. side leg swings), but occasionally front to back.
If you have any questions, please ask, I’m sure I’m leaving some stuff out. As for supplements, I’m taking fish oils, and I’ve been on and off with glucosamine + chondroitine for a while. I went to my doctor about my knee problem about a year ago, and he said not to worry about it until there is pain, but I don’t want to wait that long, and this definitely isn’t normal. I also went to him for my foot problem, and without even taking a look at it, he just prescribed orthotics which I’d rather avoid if possible.
Any help would be appreciated.