Hey guys I am a new member and this is mine first post. I’ve been working out for the past 2 1/2 yrs, started as a junior in highschool after taking a weightlifting class. First off i am an ectomorph, and the true definition of a hardgainer. my first 2 yrs i really didn’t know what i was doing and so i just been working out different body parts with no real routine, recently i was able to come across a sample routine that i started using that was suppose to help me gain mass.
i made some changes cutting out exercises replacing them with ‘better’ ones that i researched. here is the sample workout with the new exercises below. Please help critique it with better exercises for me to use, i greatly appreciate it. I want to know if these are the best exercises for building mass & strength and try to use only free-weights and cables. Thanks Again
Back & Biceps Sets Reps
Bent-Over Barbell Rows 4 8-12
Pull-ups 3 8-12
Pull-overs 3 8-12
Deadlifts 4 10
Straight Bar Curls 4 8-12
Incline Dumbbells 3 8-12
Hammer Curls 4 8-12
Concentration Curls 3 8-12
Modified Preacher Curl 3 8-12
T-Bar 3 8-12
Back Extensions 3 8-12
Lat Pulldown 4 8-12
Quads, Hams& Calves Sets Reps
Close Stance Squats 5 8-12
Wide Stance Hack Squats 4 8-12
Front Squats 3 8-12
Stiff-Legged Deadlifts 4 8-12
Hamstring Curl Machine 4 8-12
Weighted 45^o Back Extension 4 8-12
Lunges 4 8-12
Calf Raises 4 12-25
Jerk&Clean 3 8-12
Shoulders Sets Reps
Barbell Military Presses 4 8-12
Muscle Clean&Press 4 8-12
Upright Rows 4 8-12
Bent-Over Laterals 3 8-12
Dumbbell Presses 4 8-12
Seated Dumbbell Clean 4 8-12
Dumbbell Shrugs 4 8-12
Chest & Triceps Sets Reps
Bench Presses 4 8-12
Incline Dumbbell Flys 4 8-12
Cable Cross-Overs 4 8-12
Skull-Crushers 4 8-12
Triceps Pushdowns (rope) 3 8-12
Warren Press 3 8-12
Dips 3 25
Pushups 3 25