Fitness Workout Critique, Help

Hey guys I am a new member and this is mine first post. I’ve been working out for the past 2 1/2 yrs, started as a junior in highschool after taking a weightlifting class. First off i am an ectomorph, and the true definition of a hardgainer. my first 2 yrs i really didn’t know what i was doing and so i just been working out different body parts with no real routine, recently i was able to come across a sample routine that i started using that was suppose to help me gain mass.

i made some changes cutting out exercises replacing them with ‘better’ ones that i researched. here is the sample workout with the new exercises below. Please help critique it with better exercises for me to use, i greatly appreciate it. I want to know if these are the best exercises for building mass & strength and try to use only free-weights and cables. Thanks Again

Back & Biceps Sets Reps

Bent-Over Barbell Rows 4 8-12
Pull-ups 3 8-12
Pull-overs 3 8-12
Deadlifts 4 10
Straight Bar Curls 4 8-12
Incline Dumbbells 3 8-12
Hammer Curls 4 8-12
Concentration Curls 3 8-12
Modified Preacher Curl 3 8-12
T-Bar 3 8-12
Back Extensions 3 8-12
Lat Pulldown 4 8-12

Quads, Hams& Calves Sets Reps

Close Stance Squats 5 8-12
Wide Stance Hack Squats 4 8-12
Front Squats 3 8-12
Stiff-Legged Deadlifts 4 8-12
Hamstring Curl Machine 4 8-12
Weighted 45^o Back Extension 4 8-12
Lunges 4 8-12
Calf Raises 4 12-25
Jerk&Clean 3 8-12

Shoulders Sets Reps

Barbell Military Presses 4 8-12
Muscle Clean&Press 4 8-12
Upright Rows 4 8-12
Bent-Over Laterals 3 8-12
Dumbbell Presses 4 8-12
Seated Dumbbell Clean 4 8-12
Dumbbell Shrugs 4 8-12

Chest & Triceps Sets Reps
Bench Presses 4 8-12
Incline Dumbbell Flys 4 8-12
Cable Cross-Overs 4 8-12
Skull-Crushers 4 8-12
Triceps Pushdowns (rope) 3 8-12
Warren Press 3 8-12
Dips 3 25
Pushups 3 25

The exercises are fine, it’s the workout that needs work. You have way to many exercises and you’re not going heavy on any of them.

In order to get intensity you need to narrow your focus and limit the number of exercises each workout. Use lower rep ranges for the main strength exercises for each workout.

As well, if you are a hardgainer tat usually means you don’t know how to eat.

List your diet and give an indication of what works and what doesn’t work for you for both training and diet.


[quote]stuward wrote:
The exercises are fine, it’s the workout that needs work. You have way to many exercises and you’re not going heavy on any of them.

In order to get intensity you need to narrow your focus and limit the number of exercises each workout. Use lower rep ranges for the main strength exercises for each workout.

As well, if you are a hardgainer tat usually means you don’t know how to eat.

List your diet and give an indication of what works and what doesn’t work for you for both training and diet.


Quoted for undeniable truth. Too many exercises with too much volume and most probably not enough food. True hardgainers are the bottom 1-5% of all people who train. The rest just don’t know how to eat enough on a consistent basis to gain.

Pick 5-6 exercises for each day. No more. After that you’re just wasting time–you need to go home and rest. The exercises are fine for the most part, just too many of them.