[quote]LilGuyBigPlans wrote:
Can anyone point me to a place where I can get liquid (or pill for that matter) fish oil with a lot of grams in it. I’ve been looking and all I can find is something like 640 Milligrams per tablespoon with something like 40 tablespoons. That would be really fricken expensive.[/quote]
LOok at the store here and pay attention not to the total fish oils but the amount of EPA/DHA.
Get some Flameout bro take four of those and go to Sams/Costco get a CHEAP fishoil if you feel the need to fill the excess.
[quote]eclypse wrote:
your posts suggest you’re intelligent eengrms, but you’re quick to call people idiots as often as you say something worthwhile.[/quote]
I apologize if you’re insecure enough to automatically assume I was talking about you. If you choose to believe we only need 2-3g per day that is only because that is what you’re told. I’m more concerned about the ones doing the “telling”.
[quote]the USDA is, mostly, bullshit. It was originally derived during or just after the Great Depression as the minimal amount needed to stay alive, was it not?
That doesnt mean its 1000-2000% off base. I dont think we need 20-30 g of fish oil anymore than we all need 20,000 calories/day.[/quote]
And the daily recommendations have changed over time for various vitamins/minerals/macros, etc. I never said you needed 20-30 grams. I just said I think the recommendation is that for fat loss. I also didn’t say I was the one giving the recommendation.
Honestly- who’s to say we even need any at all? I mean really- are you open to that idea? You seem pretty set in your ways unless I can provide you hard scientific data. Have you read the exact data that says you need 2-3g? Can you quote it, or are you just taking the word of the authors on this site?
I don’t understand the personal attack. You say I’m “always trying to drop the first snide remark” but what are you basing that on- this thread? I have yet to see a post from you that appears helpful in any way.
[quote]eengrms76 wrote:
I apologize if you’re insecure enough to automatically assume I was talking about you. If you choose to believe we only need 2-3g per day that is only because that is what you’re told. I’m more concerned about the ones doing the “telling”.
i was one of the ones suggesting that consuming these mass doses was overkill. if you didnt put that together, i would say i’d spell it out… but uh… this is a forums, i already did
[quote]eengrms76 wrote:
Honestly- who’s to say we even need any at all? I mean really- are you open to that idea?
oh yea, but again… guess what i’d like to see?? thats right… some science. there’s plenty of evidence to suggest we need SOME, but no evidence suggesting we should be drinking the stuff. i can save everybody a lot of time and just say “google” if you want “proof of needing any”
[quote]eengrms76 wrote:
I don’t understand the personal attack. You say I’m “always trying to drop the first snide remark” but what are you basing that on- this thread? I have yet to see a post from you that appears helpful in any way.[/quote]
use the search option. all of my posts are about education, research, and assisting others. half of yours are just bashing them. you’re obviously an intelligent person capable of helping and lending out a fair bit of knowledge on these forums… im just asking you do that instead of trying to belittle others.
[quote]eclypse wrote:
i was one of the ones suggesting that consuming these mass doses was overkill. if you didnt put that together, i would say i’d spell it out… but uh… this is a forums, i already did :)[/quote]
Here is what I said:
I agree with Doug Adams- the same people who say you don’t need more than 2g/day are the ones who say anything more than 10% of your daily intake from protein will kill you. I tend to think those people are uneducated dogmatic idiots.
Are you really trying to say you are someone that suggests eating over 10% of your daily intake from protein will kill you? I figured it would be obvious I wasn’t talking about the T-Nation crowd from that statement alone.
No most of yours are dealing with education on steriods.
[quote]eclypse wrote:
i wont dignify this with a response as it’s just getting absurd.[/quote]
That’s such a cop out when you just don’t have anything else to say but still feel the need to reply. Just admit you were wrong in assuming I was talking about you and move on. You don’t have to actually reply, you can just quietly think it in your little corner.
If you look at anthropological research, you can see that indeed for most of our evolution, we humans consumed a shitload more than 2-3 grams of Omega 3’s per day. It’s clear that we consumed and/or made use on everything possible on a kill or carcass.
The marrow and brains of animals were just another source of energy to them where it’s become rather repulsive to us.
It’s also widely known that the brain and marrow contained large amounts of Omega’s.
It’s been merely a blip in time since we DIDN’T eat this way. So little time has passed that it’s irresponsible to think we’ve evolved out of the need for such high amounts of Omega’s in our diet for optimum health and muscle mass.
so when should we take it? The only recommendation i was told was not to take it in the morning, as we dont need the fats for energy. Or something like that.
[quote]sjfou wrote:
so when should we take it? The only recommendation i was told was not to take it in the morning, as we dont need the fats for energy. Or something like that.[/quote]
You’re right about not taking it in the morning. The late afternoon or evening is the best. I always take mine before my last meal of the day.
In the grand scheme of things it’s probably ok in the morning, but it’s just more optimal in the evening.
[quote]huey.ot wrote:
How many of you guys eat fatty fish on a regular basis? Like salmon, mackerel, trout, etc?[/quote]
Well I almost never do.
Is this question fishing (excuse the pun) for something? I know you’ll probably say we don’t need much fish oil, or any at all, if we routinely eat fish. This is true. The difference is you’d need to eat fish every single day in order to not benefit from a fish oil supplement.
If you meant something else or were really just curious about the fish eating habits of T-Nation members I apologize.
[quote]get it done wrote:
regardless of how much you take, make sure that you’re not taking it in the morning. otherwise, your body will use it for fuel since it’s starved for energy when you wake up.[/quote]
Please elaborate. If I take fish oil later in the day, will my body not use it as energy? If my body does not use it as energy, what does it do with it?
What if I am dieting? Will my body always be in a state similar to that during breakfast; and thus taking fish oil would be a waste because it will all get used for fuel?
[quote]Phill wrote:
LilGuyBigPlans wrote:
Can anyone point me to a place where I can get liquid (or pill for that matter) fish oil with a lot of grams in it. I’ve been looking and all I can find is something like 640 Milligrams per tablespoon with something like 40 tablespoons. That would be really fricken expensive.
LOok at the store here and pay attention not to the total fish oils but the amount of EPA/DHA.
Get some Flameout bro take four of those and go to Sams/Costco get a CHEAP fishoil if you feel the need to fill the excess.
[quote]CaliforniaLaw wrote:
eengrms76 wrote:
You’re right about not taking it in the morning.
So everyone, after reading one cursory comment in an article, have adopted this as gospel? Unreal.[/quote]
Taken from the tips archive - 6/12/06…
Today tip comes from Mike Roussell:
No Fish for Breakfast
Don’t take your fish oil on an empty stomach first thing in the morning. EPA and DHA are “magical” but they’re also fats. This means they can be burned as energy. So don’t take them at a time when your body is dying for fuel - it’s just a waste.
[quote]CaliforniaLaw wrote:
eengrms76 wrote:
You’re right about not taking it in the morning.
So everyone, after reading one cursory comment in an article, have adopted this as gospel? Unreal.[/quote]
Did you conveniently choose not to read the end of my post?
[quote]eengrms76 wrote:
In the grand scheme of things it’s probably ok in the morning, but it’s just more optimal in the evening.[/quote]
Nobody said they’ve adopted anything as gospel. For someone who claims to be so intelligent you sure jump to a lot of conclusions based on little to no fact.
I’ve been trying to put together a nutritional program for myself which includes the most beneficial amounts of all the EFAs. However, my research has sort of gone around in circles.
I’ve always heard 3-6gms of DHA and EPA. More specifically, I’ve heard 3gm EPA, 1.6gm DHA is a great amount. I suppose this is similar to Berardi’s reccomendations. This, coupled with a tablespoon of flax oil and a tablespoon of olive oil would cover my bases.
However, Poliquin reccomends 30-45gm of fish oil per day. I’m assuming this just means fish body oils, of which about 30% are DHA/EPA so about 10-15gm. How would this fit into a balanced EFA regimen? I also plan on comsuming a serving of fish per day, be it fresh or canned (probably salmon). How many gms of fish oil would these provide?
Also, I’ve heard that Udo Erasmus’s Udo’s Oil is basically all you need to get a great balance of Omega 3’s, 6’s, and 9’s. However, it includes no fish oil.
Does anyone know of any good articles on this site or elsewhere about EFA’s and how to effectively supplement with them? I’ve tried the search function but can’t pinpoint a definitive article.
Just to clarify, Berardi’s recommandation is 6-10 grams (6,000-10,000 mg) of combined EPA+DHA per day. That’s different than the total amount of “fish oil,” and i’m not sure exactly what people might mean by the total amount of “fish oil,” as it sounds like a loose measure which is not clearly defined by the weight of each capsule, as some capsules might have some amount of filler or gelatin or something in them as well.
Each 4 capsules (“recommended dosage”) of Flameout contains 2,200 mg of DHA and 800 mg of EPA, for a combined total of 3,080 mg of EPA+DHA. (I personally take 8 capsules per day so as to be in line with Berardi’s recommendations).
However, according to the label, each 4 capsules contains 5.6 grams of “total fat” and 4,625 mg of “free fatty acids.” Perhaps one of these numbers is what people are referring to when they loosely say you should take X grams of “fish oil” per day . . . ? I don’t know.
As per recommendations for how much to take per day, Berardi recommends such a high amount with the specific goal in mind of fat loss and body composition altering, by way of increasing insulin sensitivity, etc. For general health purposes, no one has really set any strict guidelines of how much is recommended (for the sake of cardiac health, cancer prevention, help with arthritis, etc.).
I’ve read guidelines of anywhere from “one capsule” (which means nothing and could vary by the brand) to 1,000 mg (again, just referring to the mysterious term of “fish oil”) to much, much higher.
On a side note, I’ve heard that very high doses of omega-3s (not sure exactly how high) can negatively effect the ole’ libido. Does anyone know why that might be, and at what dosage it becomes a concern?