Im looking into doing my first cycle i have been training for around 13yrs now, i currently weigh in around 177lb which i know dosnt sound a lot but i do look alot bigger and carry hardly no bf (six pack showing)
I was thinking about doing just a test E only ccle for 10 weeks at 500mg per week (split into 2 injections)(mon thurs), then PCT of 4 weeks after 21 days after my last jab.
my questions are, would novladex been enough on its own for PCT and should i take an AI from the beginning or only if i start getting high estrogen syptoms??
Your squat needs work! I know you know this, but fix it!
The changes you need to make to your cycle are:
-PCT should be started 14 days after last pin (considering the dose of test you’re using).
-Nolvadex is fine on its own for PCT. 4 weeks at 40/40/20/20.
-Take the AI from the start. Adex at .5mg eod will suffice, and may need to be increase/decreased depending on how you respond. Taper it own going into PCT.
You may want to consider either frontloading the test, extending the cycle to 12 weeks, adding a dbol kickstart, using hCG or doing all of these things at once.
500 mg is an excellent spot. Id run it a few more weeks though. do atleast 12.
Start PCT 12 Days after your last jab. Later than that youll get a gyno flair up.
If youre taking test alone clmoid/nolva is perfect for a PCT. I throw and AI in there to be safe. But its not necessary. When it comes to boobs, better safe than sorry.
Youll have a fun ride at 12-16 weeks!
Thanks guys,
Yes I know I need to improve my squat !!!
Reed when I started training I only weighed 10st I’ve always been the skinny kid!!! I’ve put on 35lb of clean muscle so far so I don’t think I’ve done that bad, my diet is a bit poor sometimes, but my training is not that bad I can dead lift 3x my body weight and stronger on most exercises than people in my gym weighing 56lb+ than me!
I’ll defo run my test for 12week then and start PCT 14 days after
I think Reed is right man, 13 years to achieve those numbers is pretty poor. Comparing yourself to guys in the gym who clearly suck doesn’t really mean anything either. Think about it like this: you’ve added 2.5lbs of muscle a year. Are you really satisfied with that?
Not trying to be a dick or anything, but if you can’t get results without steroids, all that’ll happen is you’ll bloat up a bit on cycle then lose it all when you come off because you’re not eating/training hard enough to keep the gains.
I’m not going to tell you not to do a cycle, because I know you won’t care enough about my opinion one way or another for it to affect your decision, but if I were you I’d take myself off to the training/nutrition parts of the forum and try and work out what it is that’s causing you to spin your wheels.
I’ll defo run my test for 12week then and start PCT 14 days after
What do you mean enjoy the ride 12-16 week ???
If this is your first test cycle youll feel great. My first time on test I had an incredible sense of well being, higher than normal confidence and amazing pumps. Youll look and feel great! That’s what I mean by it.
[quote]M40cca wrote:
Thanks guys,
Yes I know I need to improve my squat !!!
Reed when I started training I only weighed 10st I’ve always been the skinny kid!!! I’ve put on 35lb of clean muscle so far so I don’t think I’ve done that bad, my diet is a bit poor sometimes, but my training is not that bad
If your diet is poor and your training is “not that bad” you should re visit getting your diet and training to near perfect on a consistent basis(not just a couple weeks at a time). If you don’t train and eat right then you are just wasting your money on gear.