I would like to be short and quick on my story first : I started to be consistent on my gym routine, and I try to do things seriously since 4 months starting in October (eat well, sleep well, no too much stress, etc…), and I started to have results. But I feel like I could have had better results, I feel like my potential was not the top.
So here is the situation :
I have been doing a 3 day split for 4-5 weeks with a full body and a hypertrophy goal, so only size/volume starting in October 2018 (I used to go 5 times a week thinking the more I lift, the more I will have muscles, shame on me). I have done research, and find out about the body type thesis, even if it’s not confirmed by science, I relate to an ectomorph.
I hardly gain weigh, I can eat whatever I want and not gain (almost) anything. My muscles had grown a bit… (especially the biceps) like, at the end of those 5 weeks, they grown but that looked more like “the beginning” for me. Then I switch from a hypertrophy to a strength program for 2 weeks, so mid/late-November and holly crap I felt like they gain more in the 2 last weeks than in the first 5 one. Even like my friend and family they couldn’t believe how I gain so much in like so little in terms of time… I was chocked since I though strength program wouldn’t “grow/make your muscles bigger” as a hypertrophy program.
Then I thought, “what if it was the mixing of hypertrophy and strength that made them look bigger in no time ?”. So I started to believe that doing both could be better, because after that I only went “full strength” and my progress seams to have decelerate. So I started to think about switching program eveytime I do a training (Mon hyper, wed strength, fri hyper, mon strength, wed hyper, fri strength). And this is where it gets tricky for me and where I need you help.
So I told you earlier I was an ectomorph, so I can’t like spend too much time a week at the gym, and I have to eat a lot. But what if I do a 4 days split with 2 for hyper and 2 for strength (I just think it is more balanced like that), but wouldn’t that be too much ?
I hope I have been clear enough and my English was good, I an French so I might not use the right word at some point, please let me know if it happen,
Happy new year to everyone,