Female Boxer Making Weight?

I’d say maybe hit up Berardi’s articles on here…the Habits of Highly Effective Nutrition Programs is a good way to get started. He recommends constant easting (every 2-3hrs) and higher cals, it might help to speed up your f***ed metabolism. I’ve never had to cut weight for fighting but I did for weightlifting; I definitely did it the wrong way and lifted like shit. Feel free to PM with some Precision Nutrition questions or anything.

Berardi’s principles worked really well for me. His book Grapplers Guide to Sports Nutrition is all excellent read for any combat athlete. I needed a change so im on the t-dawg 2.0 - we’ll see how that goes. Ive got my next bout July 28…

k ive worked out why i felt so weak and sore… i’m sick as.

coach sent me home tues night (i weighed 55.9 on mon)cause i couldnt finish my strength circut after training. ive been sick ever since…and its now sunday morning.
fever, headaches, chills, aching joints and muscles.

how much fitness will i loose from being down and out for this long??

im so depressed, i cant shake this flu and i havent trained in two weeks tomorrow.

my mum is against me fighting, so she has been making me eat and i am puttin gon weight because im not training!


all my hard work, wasted!!!


Do you sauna? I train 2x a day, 6 days a week & theres nothing better for recovery & detox than a sauna. Try 20mins straight or 3x 10mins “rounds”, with ice cold showers in between & to finish once or twice a week.

Also, keep in mind, viruses cant live in heat, hence why our body temp goes up when we have an infection & why saunas are good at helping get over colds…


im now fighting on the 25th august.
thats two weeks out
ive been between 122.1 and 123.6 pounds atm (55.5 and 56.2) for last two weeks

i want to weigh in under 55 which shouldnt be too hard, skip two/three meals and sauna.

almost 100% after flu (people have died from the flu recently in aus, bad strain)

doc has me on an asthma puffer which is helping alot!

thanks to all the support guys!