A Few Questions

i just recently started boxing about 2 1/2 wks ago. i am 5’9 and my starting weight was 282 lbs. i am now down too 271 lbs. i have changed my diet to lean meats. egg whites, whole wheat breads,and lots of fruits + vegetables. i have also just recently started running the last couple of days.i train on average of 5 days a week. i would like to get down to 235 and cut up is that 2 heavy too see cuts at my height or do i need to lose more. also am i losing weight to fast. i feel lighter and have noticed a big increase in energy. i used to weigh 384 2 yrs ago and dropped to 280 got lazy and now am ready to complete my journey to a good physique. my workout consists of lots of cardio up to 200 sit-ups and 50 pushups a day and basically anything a boxer does to train for a fight. any answers would be appreciated. thanx!!!

Do you want to be strong?
Do you want to have chicken legs and a big upper body?
Post some real goals.

i want too be strong but i don’t want chicken legs. i want my body to be equal upper and lower.

anyone with suggestions to help me

I don’t think you’ll be seeing cuts at the weight you want to get to. As far as boxing goes, jump rope. Do 10 3-minute rounds with a minute rest in-between. Same thing for punching the heavy bag. Don’t overdo the running, 3 miles is sufficient. Are you training to actually box or are you using this to get in shape? Running and punching in water is also good.