Feedback on HST

hi guys, I am thinking on trying the HST, but if anyone had try it well tell if it worked and what were your gains, I will do the same thing too.
thanks in advance.

Ya, did while dieting. I was able to drop 23lbs. while actually gaining a little strength in some lifts and maintaining everything else. I actually love the program and will probably use it quite frequently from now on. I loved the feeling of being pumped all the time, which this program did for me. I used to only train each bodypart once per week. But after trying HST I really think Brian Haycock has come up with a very effective program. Bye the way I’m not some young kid who would have gotten good results on any program. I’m 35, been lifting 18yrs. consistantly and have pretty much maxed out my genetic potential. I’m not goning to post numbers but my lifts are better than average and in street clothes I do look like I lift. I truly can’t wait to use HST for a mass phase in the fall.

Do a search. There are several HST threads floating around…