Fat Free Vanilla Yogurt?

Well done, MBE.

thankyou… thats all i needed.

MBE, your reply was the very model of understated eloquence, and you are the very model of a modern major general. However, if you’ll allow me to be so bold, I would like to amend your reply with a bit of an explanation. After all, give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day; teach him how to extract fish body oils, and you give him a physique that will keep the hizoes all up on his jock with tha quickness. Ryan, the reason MBE forbade you from ever eating FroYo again is that it’s bad for you. It’s bad for you because it’s processed. When people process things, they rob them of all their redeeming qualities. Things that come out of boxes, wrappers, or, god forbid, machines, are processed. Processed = not the way nature intended. Not the way nature intended = your body doesn’t like it. You want your body to like what you eat so it’ll cooperate with you. Ergo, you shouldn’t eat processed foods. Clear? Good. “Zev: Putting the Jism in syllogism since he was, oh, about 11.”

Ryan, what my esteemed colleague Zev has illuminated, and quite impressively so, is that we are here but to help one another in perpetual servitude for the benefits which we reap daily as a result of this forum.

For example, Zev here, as he states in his tag, knows much about male testicular bi-products. Why, I for one would wager a good tuppence that the man could identify a wad based on simple splatter design alone. A lesser individual would rest his weary and thoroughly reamed bottom on such laurels. But not Zev, nooooo sireee, not by the longest shot.

Zev prides himself on originality, having been the first to place a tag line with some witty quip following his posts. Oh silly me heavens no! I beleive that was some other lad. Well, there is the phenomena of Zev being Jewish, a remarkably rare instance on this fo…Wait, Why paint me Purple and call me an Eggplant I’m jewish too! The big difference is this: while I’ve been circumsized but once, Zev, from what I’ve been forced to view, must have had the procedure done several times!

Zev, love ya baby. Goodnight, folks.

MBE: “OWN.ing. Since back in tha day.”
