Fat Bastard

New year new thread.

1/4 (5/3/1 big but boring)
deadlift 365x5,410x5,465x5
deadlift 275 10x5 sets
ab rolls 275 5x3 sets

Felt good tonight. Just breathing like crazy. High rep deads are killers.

so… by the title of your thread, does that mean that i have to post here now??

by the way, i’m honored to be the first to post in your thread brother.

[quote]maraudermeat wrote:
so… by the title of your thread, does that mean that i have to post here now??

by the way, i’m honored to be the first to post in your thread brother. [/quote]
The honor is mine. Thanks for visiting.

ugly people…yuck. Just playing. Im ugly.

Ugly people do work!

happy new year and looking strong, high rep deads do suck.

now I feel like the jilted second runner up…

That is a lot of dead volume! I can honestly say I do not miss high-volume main lift sets. :slight_smile:

Happy New Year Eco! And nice DL session btw.

Please excuse me as I gently exit this thread, I am 60 lbs short of the requirement to post.

[quote]formfunction wrote:
Happy New Year Eco! And nice DL session btw.

Please excuse me as I gently exit this thread, I am 60 lbs short of the requirement to post.[/quote]

this isn’t Rhodestown, this is Ugliville. the only requirement is that at some point your parents had to hang a bone around your neck to get the dog to play with you. T-bones really sucked as a small child.

Ugliville…I like it! My parents hung a porkchop around my neck.

Thanks all. Nothing like a bunch of deadlifts to work the cobwebs out. Going to try and catchup with your threads today.

Nice Pulls young man…and I have just figured out why I am so weak…its cause I am so handsome! I feel better now.

[quote]OldGoat wrote:
Nice Pulls young man…and I have just figured out why I am so weak…its cause I am so handsome! I feel better now.[/quote]

Cursed! We are cursed.

[quote]DaCharmingAlbino wrote:

[quote]OldGoat wrote:
Nice Pulls young man…and I have just figured out why I am so weak…its cause I am so handsome! I feel better now.[/quote]

Cursed! We are cursed.[/quote]
Trying to be real strong is compensating for my ugliness.

That’s some ugly training my friend.

New thread title! Man, this is spinning out of control now.

[quote]DaCharmingAlbino wrote:
New thread title! Man, this is spinning out of control now.[/quote]
I’m having a slow day at work.

[quote]DaCharmingAlbino wrote:
New thread title! Man, this is spinning out of control now.[/quote]

as the story goes, Ugliville is a shanty town located on the outskirts of Rhodestown. for those that lived there to make any money to survive, they had to sell their bodies. luckily most days were cloudy and overcast, down playing how ugly they truely are.

Damn amazing DL’s!

I’ve run into ver tree in the Ugliville forest. Now I’m going to cut the mother’s down and contrbute to climate change… Great lifting Steve. Great thread name too!

Scott, sometimes a little whoring pays the rent.

Thanks Null. I’m trying (close) to my hardest.

Thanks for your contribution to climate change Wilson. As for the name of the thread, ah, well…weird may be more appropriate.